
--- 現代家庭中的客廳如果少了某樣東西,就覺得不完整了,這個偉大的發明就是「電視」,電視已經是我們生活的一部份,電視相關的英文也必須要學起來 ---  


📟 TV genres


sitcom = situation comedy 情境喜劇 A sitcom is an amusing television drama series about a set of characters

romcom  浪漫喜劇

documentary show  記錄真實生活事件的節目

talk show  脫口秀  A talk show is a television or radio show in which famous people talk to each other in an informal way and are asked questions about different topics

soap opera  肥皂劇(台灣的鄉土劇) A soap opera is a popular television drama series about the daily lives and problems of a group of people who live in a particular place

game show  (奔跑吧男孩、綜藝玩很大之類的節目) Game shows are television program on which people play games in order to win prizes

reality tv   實境節目(美國偶像之類的節目)  Reality TV is a type of television programming which aims to show how ordinary people behave in everyday life, or in situations, often created by the program makers, which are intended to represent everyday life

drama  戲劇


📟 動詞


watch a movie    電視前看電影  

see a movie    到電影院看電影

flip / change / switch channel  轉台
Could you stop flipping the channels?

turn up  (音量)轉大聲、轉強

turn down  (音量)轉小聲、轉弱

turn on  (電視電源)打開

turn off  (電視電源)關起


📟 追劇進度的會話


episode [ˈepɪsoʊd]  一集、一節  An episode of something such as a series on radio or television or a story in a magazine is one of the separate parts in which it is broadcast or published
I can’t wait for the next episode to see what happens
The most popular episode of Friends was when Chandler and Monica got married

✔ next episode 下一集

 What was the last episode all about?  上一集在演什麼?


spoil  劇透、暴雷  Spoiler is a piece of information about a film, book or electronic game which can spoil the enjoyment of someone experiencing it for the first time
Don’t spoil it!Don’t tell me anything
The main character died
Dame!I told you not to spoil it

rerun (v)(n)  重播  A re-run is a film, play, or television program that is shown or put on again
Last week’s show will be reran tomorrow night
This week's movies are all reruns

season 季 one of several series of television programmes with the same title and the same characters
The first season of True Detective was way better than the second 

on the air  撥出中  If a programme is on the air, they are broadcasting on radio or television
It’s amazing!The Simpsons has been on the air for over twenty years!


 What channel is 👦 on ? What channel is showing 👦 ?  👦在哪一台播出

 What time is 👦 on ? What time will 👦 start ?   👦什麼時間播出


📟 收訊


static (n)  雜訊  If there is static on the radio or television, you hear a series of loud noises which spoils the sound
There's so much static on this radio I can't hear what they're saying

➢ There is static


 This channel has poor reception   指收訊不良


📟 如何形容劇情


⊙ highly rated  評價很高


good pace from scene to scene   劇情順暢

well-developed idea   具有想法

powerful theme   強大的寓意

hilarious  非常好笑的

action-packed  情節激動緊湊的    full of exciting events
The first episode is action-packed

suspenseful   懸疑緊張的  A suspenseful story makes you feel excited or anxious about what is going to happen in the story next


⊙ poorly rated  評價很差


too predictable    太好預測了

confusing subplots   劇情複雜  

subplots   支線  a part of the story of a book or play that develops separately from the main story

cliché  [kli'ʃeɪ]   陳腔濫調   a saying or ​remark that is very often made and is ​therefore not ​original and not ​interesting

mindless   無腦的   If you describe an activity as mindless, you mean that it is so dull that people do it or take part in it without thinking
You should stop watching those mindless reality TV shows


⊙ 劇情無聊


boring   無趣

That was a pretty weak episode

It’s so lame

It’s horrible






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