🔑 住宿類型
apartment 公寓(美)
✔ flat 公寓(英)
condo 公寓(買下的公寓,不是用租的,通常會有管理員) an apartment building in which each apartment is owned separately by the people living in it, but also containing shared areas
services apartment 酒店式服務公寓
house 房子
townhouse 多棟聯建住宅 a house that is joined to another house
sharehouse 與別人分租房子,類似一層樓或一棟房子的雅房分租概念,有共同的公共設施(廚房、廁所等...)
villa 別墅
suite [swit] (旅館)套房 A suite is a set of rooms in a hotel or other building
room 雅房
dormitory = dorm 宿舍
🔑 屋內設備、設施
attic 閣樓
stairs 樓梯
elevator 電梯
✔ lift 電梯(英式)
chimney 煙囪
It is said that Santa Claus will visit households through chimneys
ceiling 天花板
furniture 家具
They have a lot of antique furniture
The only piece of furniture he has in his bedroom is a bed
✔ antique furniture 古董傢具
➢ A piece of furniture 傢具單位
living room 客廳
kitchen 廚房
dining room 餐廳
bedroom 臥室
reading room 閱覽室
study 書房 a room, especially in a house, used for quiet work such as reading or writing
bathroom 浴室(有浴缸可以泡澡)
shower room 淋浴間(單純淋浴,沒有浴缸的設施)
toilet = washroom 廁所
basement 地下室
cellar 地窖 a room under the ground floor of a building, usually used for storing things
They cleared out the cellar and transformed it into a lovely playroom for the kids
🔑 屋外設備、設施
porch 門廊、入口處 a covered structure in front of the entrance to a building
yard 庭院
garden 花園
garage 車庫
wall 圍牆
fence 柵欄、籬笆
The house was surrounded by a tall,wooden fence
swimming pool 游泳池
water tank 水塔
balcony 陽台
postbox = mailbox 信箱
shoe rack 鞋架
bush 灌木叢 a plant with many small branches growing either directly from the ground or from a hard stem, giving the plant a rounded shape
lawn 草坪 an area of grass, especially near to a house or in a park, that is cut regularly to keep it short
mow[moʊ] to cut plants, such as grass or wheat, that have long, thin stems and grow close together
In summer we have to mow the lawn twice a week
➢ mow the lawn 修剪草坪
🔑 租屋費用
monthly expenses 每個月固定支出
utility 公共雜費 A utility is an important service such as water, electricity, or gas that is provided for everyone, and that everyone pays for
electricity bill 電費
gas / fuel bill 天然氣費、瓦斯費
water bill 水費
amenity 公設 Amenities are things such as shopping center or sports facilities that are provided for people's convenience, enjoyment, or comfort
parking fee 停車費
laundry charge 洗衣費
rent 租金
move-in cost 租屋前需要支付的
deposit 押金 A deposit is a sum of money which you pay when you start renting something. The money is returned to you if you do not damage what you have rented
It costs $2,000 a week to rent the yacht,with a $200 deposit
deposit(v) 付訂金 to pay someone an amount of money when you make an agreement with that person to pay for or buy something, that either will be returned to you later
You deposit 20 percent now and pay the rest when the car is delivered
carriage 搬運費
That will be £150,carriage included
agent’s fee 仲介費
🔑 租屋對話
* I am looking for a 🏠。Do you have any vacancies ?
vacancy 空房 If there are vacancies at a building such as a hotel, some of the rooms are available to rent
* I saw your ad on the bulletin board / website。Is the 🏠 still available?
* May I see the house? 可以參觀一下房子嗎?
* How much is the rent? = What’s the rent? 租金是多少?
* Does the rent include the utilities? = Is the utilities included in the rent? 租金包含水電嗎?
* Are pets allowed? 可以養寵物嗎?
* Is the room furnished? 有附帶傢俱嗎?
furnished [ˈfɜrnɪʃt](adj) 附帶傢俱的 A furnished room or house is available to be rented together with the furniture in it
* What furniture do you provide? 房子有提供什麼傢俱?
* Is there a security system? 有保全系統嗎?
* Any rules for the tenant? 有什麼住戶規定嗎?
tenant (n) 房客 A tenant is someone who pays rent for the place they live in, or for land or buildings that they use
* Can I pay for installment plan? 可以分期付款嗎?
installment plan 分期付款 An installment plan is a way of buying goods gradually。You make regular payments to the seller until, after some time, you have paid the full price and the goods belong to you
He likes to buy things on the installment plan
* Should I pay all at once? 我需要一次付清嗎?
🔑 外在環境、交通
* How far is 🏠 from here? 這裡離🏠有多遠?
(🏠 可以指 hospital、school、station、supermarket…)
* Is it closed to 🏠 ? 🏠 離這裡近嗎?
* ⏰(時間) + away from 某地點 距離某地需要花⏰的時間
* 地點 + less than ⏰ minutes walk away 距離某地步行⏰分鐘以內
The bus stop is less than 5 minutes walk away
* What kind of neighborhood is it? 附近環境如何?
neighbourhood the area of a town that surrounds someone's home, or the people who live in this area
🔑 租屋合約
* What is the duration of the lease? 請問要簽約要簽多久呢?
* When can I move in? 我何時可以入住呢?
* When do I pay the rent? 什麼時候要付房租呢?
🔑 討價還價的台詞
This apartment is very beautiful and matches my requirements ; however it is over my budget