👽 壞習慣
pierce (v) 打洞 if you have your ears or some other part of your body pierced, you have a small hole made through them so that you can wear a piece of jewelry in them
I'm having my ears pierced on Saturday
➢ have somewhere(body) pierced
graffiti (n) 牆上亂塗鴉 Graffiti is words or pictures that are written or drawn in public places, for example on walls or posters
Graffiti is a huge problem downtown
pirated(adj) 盜版的
It is illegal to sell pirated music
piracy (n) 海盜、盜版 Piracy is robbery at sea carried out by pirates ; You can refer to the illegal copying of things such as video tapes and computer programs as piracy
Piracy is a big problem for the music and film industries
👽 性方面、暴力
abortion(n) 墮胎 If a woman has an abortion , she ends her pregnancy deliberately so that the baby is not born alive
His girlfriend had an abortion
➢ have an abortion
rape(v) 強姦 If someone is raped, they are forced to have sex, usually by violence or threats of violence
She was pulled from the car and raped
rapist(n) 強姦犯
bigamy (n) [ˈbɪɡəmi] 重婚罪 Bigamy is the crime of marrying a person when you are already legally married to someone else
bigamist(n) 重婚者
domestic violence 家暴 domestic violence is violence that takes place in the home, especially between a husband and wife
Women are still the main victims of domestic violence
child abuse 虐童 treating a child badly in a physical, emotional, or sexual way
👽 偷竊、搶劫
theft(n) 竊盜
shoplifting (n) 順手牽羊 Shoplifting is stealing from a shop by hiding things in a bag or in your clothes
loot (n) 贓物 Loot is stolen money or goods
The robbers escaped with a lot of loot
robbery(n) 搶劫 Robbery is the crime of stealing money or property from a bank, shop, or vehicle, often by using force or threats
robber(n) 搶匪
mug(v) 搶劫 If someone mugs you, they attack you in order to steal your money
He has been mugged more than once
burglary(n) 闖空門 If someone commits a burglary, they enter a building by force and steal things
burglar(n) 闖空門者
👽 殺人
homicide = murder (n) 殺人 killing someone on purpose
manslaughter(n)[mænˌslɑː.t̬ɚ] 過失殺人 the crime of killing a person when the killer did not intend to do it or cannot be responsible for his or her actions
genocide(n) 種族屠殺 the murder of a whole group of people, especially a whole nation, race, or religious group
assassination(n)[əˌsæsɪ'neɪʃn] 暗殺 the murder of someone famous or important
assassin(n)[əˈsæs.ən] 刺客
👽 經濟犯罪
fraud (n)[frɔd] 詐欺 the crime of getting money by deceiving people
forgery 偽造文書 illegally copying documents, money to cheat people
forger (n)
blackmail(n) 勒索、敲詐 the act of getting money from people or forcing them to do something by threatening to tell a secret of theirs or to harm them
It's blackmail,pure and simple
It looks like the pictures were being used for blackmail
blackmailer(n) 敲詐者、勒索者
bribery 賄賂
briber(n) 賄賂者
embezzlement(n)[ɪm'bezlmənt] 挪用公款 to secretly take money that is in your care or that belongs to an organization or business you work for
embezzler (n)
smuggle(v) 走私 If someone smuggles things or people into a place or out of it, they take them there illegally or secretly
The gang was arrested for drug smuggling
✔ be arrested for 因為...被逮捕
✔ drug smuggling 藥物走私
👽 交通犯罪
hit and run 肇事逃逸
drunk driving 酒駕
His licence was suspended for drunk driving
hijacking(n) 劫持 if someone hijacks a plane or other vehicle, they illegally take control of it by force while it is travelling from one place to another
Two men tried to hijack a plane on a flight from Riga to Murmansk
hijacker (n)
👽 其它犯罪
gang(n) 幫派 A gang is a group of criminals who work together to commit crimes
arson(v) 縱火 Arson is the crime of deliberately setting fire to a building or vehicle
arsonist(n) 縱火犯
set fire 縱火
They set fire to vehicles outside that building
➢ set fire to sth.
kidnapping(n) 綁架 To kidnap someone is to take them away illegally and by force, and usually to hold them prisoner in order to demand something from their family, employer, or government
kidnapper(n) 綁架犯
trafficker 非法販賣者 a person who trades in illegal goods, especially drugs, or who buys or sells people or makes money from the work people are forced to do, such as sex work
human trafficking 人口販賣