
--- 對「right」、錯「wrong」兩兄弟會有什麼特別的英文用法嗎? ---


🙆 right


 Is everything (all) right?   事情還順利嗎?


right-hand man  左右手(海賊王中的雷利就是哥爾羅傑的左右手)  someone who helps and supports you the most, especially at work


right away = right now  立刻、馬上 
I need to see you
right away


(be)coming right up  馬上來(餐廳服務生最常用到的一句話)  Used frequently by restaurant servers to tell customers the food is almost ready
Your order is coming right up


take the words right out of mouth   你說的正是我想要說的
That is exactly right! You took the words right out of my mouth


🙅 wrong


 You've got the wrong person   你們找錯人了

 It's wrong on so many levels 怎麼樣都不對


get wrong   誤會  
got me wrong

➢ get someone wrong 誤會某人了

➢ Don't get me wrong 別誤會我,這句話很實用,建議記起來


wrong crowd  壞朋友  
He used to hang out with the wrong crowd


get out of bed on the wrong side  起床氣  if someone get out of bed on the wrong side, they are in a bad mood and are easily annoyed all day
What's the matter with you? Did you get out of bed on the wrong side or something?


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    daddy-poppy's 藥學跟動物世界

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