
💵 錢、人物


penny  一分錢

nickel  五分錢

dime  一角(十分錢)

quarter 二角五

dollar  一元(十角錢)

sugar daddy  有錢的乾爸   A woman's sugar daddy is a rich older man who gives her money and presents in return for her company, affection, and usually sexual intercourse 
She just got a sugar daddy

sugar mama   有錢的乾媽


💵 錢的種類


⊙ 通論


cash   現金

coin    硬幣 

check    支票

travels’ check    旅行支票

change   零錢、找零  Your change is the money that you receive when you pay for something with more money than it costs because you do not have exactly the right amount of money
Keep the change   甭找零錢了


⊙ 費用類


price   標價  
price of the books is $150
What is the difference in
 price between the two dresses? 

price   代價   The price that you pay for something that you want is an unpleasant thing that you have to do or suffer in order to get it
He will pay a huge price for what he has done

➢  pay a price for sth   付出代價


chargefee 的意思相近

charge   一項服務所收的費用  A charge is an amount of money that you have to pay for a service
The standard charge for house cleaning is $1000 per week
What is the 
charge for a day at the Hilton Hotel

laundry charge    洗衣費

overweight charge  行李超重費

charge(v)  店家收費
How much do you charge for a full makeup?

fee   為了做某件事情或得到專家的服務而支付的金錢 a fixed charge for admission (as to a museum) ;a charge fixed by law or by an institution (as a university)for certain privileges or services

The entrance fee for the museum is $300
He couldn’t pay the lawyer’s 
fee and went bankrupt

entrance fee = admission fee 入場費

parking fee 停車費

license fee  牌照費

research fees  研究費

membership fee  會費

lawyers fee、doctors fee  專業職業所收取的費用

cost(v)   花費  If something costs a particular amount of money, you can buy, do, or make it for that amount
The book cost $150
The book 
cost me $150
cost me $150 to but the book

cost  成本
We need to cut our advertising costs


expense  比較正式且金額比較大的支出費用

personnel expenses  人事費

interest expenses  向銀行貸款要支付的利息費

travel expense  差旅費
Do you keep all the receipts for travel expenses?


down payment   頭期款   If you make a down payment on something, you pay only a percentage of the total cost when you buy it. You then finish paying for it later, usually by paying a certain amount every month
I made a down payment on a new smart TV

We are saving for a down payment on a house

➢ make a down payment on sth.   分期付款

fund   資金
The hospital has set up a special fund to buy new equipmen

✔ set up 建立

tuition    學費


tip(v)(n)   給小費、小費   If you give a tip to someone such as a waiter in a restaurant, you give them some money to thank them for their services
He was satisfied with the service so he tipped the waiter generously
I gave the barber a 

postage     郵資

admission = admission fee     入場費
Gates open at 10.30 am and admission is free

rent     租金

freight    運費

fare   票價(交通工具)     A fare is the money that you pay for a journey that you make, for example, in a bus, train, or taxi
He could barely afford the railway fare
What’s the MRT fare from here to your company?

bill     帳單,通常有明細項目和金額  
Where’s our phone bill? I haven’t paid it yet

phone bill   電話費

electric bill   電費

water  bill   水費

gas bill    瓦斯費


interest   利息 

toll     過路費  toll is a small sum of money that you have to pay in order to use a particular bridge or road

fine   罰金  A fine is a punishment in which a person is ordered to pay a sum of money because they have done something illegal or broken a rule
The store was fined for making noises and scattering garbag

➢ be fined for...

penalty    罰款

premium   加付款  A premium is a sum of money that you have to pay for something in addition to the normal cost
We're willing to pay a premium for the best location


⊙ 稅收


tax  稅 (泛指任何稅金)  Tax is an amount of money that you have to pay to the government so that it can pay for public services

duty       duties are taxes which you pay to the government on goods that you buy

tariff  [ˈtærɪf]   關稅   A tariff is a tax that a government collects on goods coming into a country


⊙ 薪水類


commission   傭金  a payment to someone who sells goods that is directly related to the amount sold, or a system that uses such payments
She gets a 15 percent commission on every machine she sells

bonus   獎金

salary   (月、年)薪資  A salary is the money that someone is paid each month by their employer, especially when they are in a profession such as teaching, law, or medicine
The government has decided to increase salaries for all civil servants

✔ civil servants 公務人員

Professional people and office workers receive a salarywhich is paid monthly。Howeverwhen talking about someone's salaryyou usually give the annual figure

I'm paid a salary of £5,000 a year


wage  工資,時薪或日薪為主  a particular amount of money that is paid, usually every week, to an employee, especially one who does work that needs physical skills or strength, rather than a job needing a college education

minimum wage   最低薪資

Manual workers are paid wages or a wageWages are usually paidand quoted as an hourly or a weekly sum

Every week he handed all his wages to his wife


pay   泛指一份工作可以賺到多少錢,不是指單份的薪資  Pay is a general noun which you can use to refer to the money you get from your employer for doing your job
It's a nice job but the pay is appalling

✔ appalling  [əˈpɑː.lɪŋ]  

income   收入(包含工作和投資)  Your income consists of all the money you receive from all sources, including your pay
Investing in stock is his primary source of income
Over a third of their income comes from comedy videos


⊙ 其它


allowance   零用錢   A child's allowance is money that is given to him or her every week or every month by his or her parents

pension   養老金、退休金、撫恤金   Someone who has a pension receives a regular sum of money from the state or from a former employer because they have retired or because they are widowed or disabled


💵 錢的狀態


broke   破產 If you are broke, you have no money
I’m broke until next Monday 

hand to mouth   糊口度日 having only just enough money to live
We always lived from hand to mouth in those days

➢ live from hand to mouth

make ends meet 收支相抵  
They've got to watch every penny to make ends meet

loaded = rich
She can buy anything she wants
She's completely

be made of money
Mr. Jones buys his children everything they want
He must be made of money
I can't afford to buy you another car
do you think I'm made of money?

comfortably off 富裕的 
He had no plans to retire even though he is now very comfortably off

well-off  富裕的 
Everyone hopes to be well-off in old age

rolling in   If you say that someone is rolling in it or is rolling in money, you mean that they are very rich
Bob doesn't need to earn money。He's rolling in it(money)

➢ rolling in it =  rolling in money

wealthy  富裕的
He grew up in a wealthy family

well-heeled    富裕的 
Hotel staff were trying to keep their well-heeled guests comfortable

money to burn   富裕的  People who have money to burn have so much money that they can spend it on anything they want
A leather jacket is no problem for Sarah。She's got money to burn


💵 揮霍


splash out   If you splash out on something , especially on a luxury, you buy it even though it costs a lot of money
We're going to splash out and buy a new car

➢ splash out on sth.

splurge on   If you splurge on something , you spend a lot of money, usually on things that you do not need
He splurged on an expensive pair of earrings for his wife

➢ splurge on sth.

more money than sense   亂花錢     If you have more money than sense, you have a lot of money which you waste by spending it in a foolish manner
He celebrated the birth of the baby by buying a sports car。He's got more money than sense

➢ have more money than sense


💵 節省


scrimp (v)   If you scrimp on things, you live cheaply and spend as little money as possible
They had to scrimpand save to send their son to college

pinch pennies
We'll have to spend money when necessary。Don't try to 
pinch pennies all the time
When Tom and Marry were saving to buy a house
 they had to
 pinch pennies

penny pincher (n)   守財奴
He's such a
 penny pincher


💵 買單、請客


on the house  
You come here all the time。Don't worry about paying today。This beer is 
on the house

treat  請客  
It’s my

  It’s on me    這攤我請客

split the check   分攤

go dutch   AA
They decided to go Dutch

pick up the tab  買單
Who's going to
pick up the tab for tonight
Do you think that men should always 
pick up the tab on a blind date?


💵 免費的


no charge   不收費
No charge for the cleanup

free of charge  免費的
Clothes alteration is 
free of charge

at no cost  不收費
We can use the hotel swimming pool
 at no cost

tax-free  免稅
Many basic foodstuffssuch as bread and milk are

duty-free  免稅、免稅商品
On the ship there are video lounges a bar and a small 
duty-free shop

duty-free shop  免稅商店

tariff-free  免關稅

freebie  贈品  A freebie is something that you are given, usually by a company, without having to pay for it 
The store gives customers a freebie with their purchases
Louis was the hundredth customer
he was given a 
freebie lunch

complimentary(adj)  免費贈送的  If tickets, books, etc. are complimentary, they are given free, especially by a business
He had complimentary tickets to take his wife to see the movie

➢ complimentary seatticketbook


💵 出錢片語


pass the hat  募捐  to collect donations of money from people 
We will pass the hat for Eddie's family

chip in   湊錢   When a number of people chip in, each person gives some money so that they can pay for something together
They chip in for the petrol and food


💵 錢相關片語


pay up  (不情願) 付清   If you pay up, you give someone the money that you owe them or that they are entitled to, even though you would prefer not to give it
He'll never pay up unless you get tough with him

rip-off  敲竹槓   something that is not worth what you pay for it
That's a rip-offI want my money back
I am
ripped off

make a killing(= fortune)   賺大錢  
He is not going to make a killing that way

cost an arm and a leg   花很多錢  to be very expensive
That new car must have cost him an arm and a leg

💵 有錢但是跟金錢無關的片語


a penny for your thoughts  something that you say in order to ask someone who is being very quiet what they are thinking about 
What's bothering you? A penny for your thoughts? 


💵 其它用法


Do you take money?    你們要『收』錢嗎?

You owe me three dollars    你還要『找』我三塊錢





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