
💑 熱戀、曖昧時期


crush  迷戀  If you have a crush on someone , you are in love with them but do not have a relationship with them
I have a crush on her

➢ have a crush on sb.

fall in love with someone    愛上某人

love at first sight   一見鍾情
It was love at first sight when they metbut it didn’t last long

head over heels    神魂顛倒  
I am head over heels with her

➢ head over heels with sb.


* I'm all over you   我迷上你了

 I'm over you    我們之間完了


hook up   搞上了 to begin a romantic or sexual relationship with someone
We hooked up last night

flirt (v)   調情   If you flirt with someone, you behave as if you are sexually attracted to them, in a playful or not very serious way
Tiffany flirted with almost every man in the party! Isn’t she in a relationship?

➢ flirt with sb.

hit on   搭訕   If someone hits on you, they speak or behave in a way that shows they want to have a sexual relationship with you
She was hitting on me and I was surprised and flattered

pick up lines   搭訕用語
You can always find some cheesy pick up lines on the internetbut trust methey do not usually work on girls

woo (v) 追求 If a man woos a woman, he spends time with her and tries to persuade her to marry him
Some people do everything possible to woo the ladies they like

on the same wavelength   頻率相近   if two people are on the same wavelength, it is easy for them to understand and agree with each other
I'd like to talk to you
Because I guess we are on the same wavelength

✔ wavelength 頻率

click 一見如故    If you click with someone, you like each other and become friendly as soon as you meetYou can also say that two people click
They clicked immediately
They loved the same things

➢ click with sb.

chemistry  曖昧、化學變化  If you say that there is chemistry between two people, you mean that is obvious they are attracted to each other or like each other very much.
There is a certain chemistry between us

➢ there is chemistry between...

hold hand 牽手
My boyfriend doesn't dare to hold my hand in public


 It's always been you  我喜歡的一直都是你


👫 感情狀態、角色


single(adj) 單身的 
Jill is still single because she’s very picky
She only dates guys between 35~45above 180 cmespecially those who have a high-paying job
I enjoy staying 
single because I can have more freedom 

✔ stay single  保持單身


taken = unavailable  死會
I know you have a crush on Marybut she’s already taken

➢ someone's taken / unavailable


 I’m seeing someone  開始和某人出去,但可能不是很認真的 

 I’m dating someone   正式和某人約會


 It didn't go anywhere = Nothing happened between us   感情沒什麼進展


have feelings for someone   對別人那份感情還在
I still have feelings for her

feeling   指感覺 ➡ I don't have a good feeling about this

feelings  指感情 ➡   I still have feelings for her


long distance relationship   遠距離戀愛
It would be very difficult to have such a long distance relationship

steady / stable relationship    穩定交往
We are in a relationship and it’s going steady

open relationship   開放性關係(指男、女朋友可以和別人性愛)、交往中但保有交友空間
I’ve been thinking maybe we could try an open relationship for a while and see how that goes?

love triangle   三角戀

Cross Cultural Relationship = CCR   異國戀

December heartbeat  黃昏戀(喪偶的中老年人再次談戀愛、中年過後才開始一段認真的戀情)


 It’s complicated    一言難盡的感情狀態
If someone changes their status from in a relationship to It’s complicatedit must be a sign of breaking up


friends with benefits = pillow friend = fucking buddy   砲友

one night stand   一夜情

player(n)  花心、玩家   A male who is skilled at manipulating ("playing") others, and especially at seducing women by pretending to care about them, when in reality they are only interested in sex
He is player

mistress(n)[ˈmɪstrɪs]   情婦   
Who is his mistress?

affair(n)  If two people who are not married to each other have an affair, they have a sexual relationship
She have an affair with someone at work

➢ have an affair with sb.

 Who is he having an affair with?   他跟誰有染?


one-woman(man)  指感情忠貞
I am the one-woman kind of man

third wheel = third arm   電燈泡   An unwanted third party accompanying two people on a date
I don't want to be the third wheel

puppy love   純純的愛   The love between a young couple within a few weeks of getting together。Not really true love, more blind affection - immature, young love


match(v)(n)   匹配
We don't match each other

➢ perfect match 天作之合

dalliance(n)  情緣   a romantic feeling about a person or thing
I had a dalliance with player in college

fling   短暫戀情   If two people have a fling, they have a brief sexual relationship
It’s just a summer fling and I don’t expect it to last because when summer ends
David will be moving back to Canada


physical(adj)  肉體上的
She is physically attractive

emotionally(adj)  精神上的
I am emotionally unavailable    心有所屬
He emotionally cheated on me    精神外遇


💔 吵架、分手、拒絕感情


fight   吵架
We had a fight yesterday

➢ have a fight

falling out (n)  造成分手的爭吵   A fight leading to separation. This can occur in any relationship, including families and friendships
Rachel and Frank have had a falling-out and they're not speaking to each other

He was heartbroken when he was dumped by his girlfriend

break up  分手   
Did you break up with your boyfriend or he dumped you?

➢ break up with

on the break   指一段感情中雙方暫時不約會,這段期間仍然可以過自己的感情生活,但終究會回到對方身邊


cheat on    
Did you ever cheat on yours wife?

 He is dating another girl on the side = He is dating another girl behind her back   腳踏兩條船

on the side   secretly


* There are plenty more fish in the sea   天涯何處無芳草

* It would be better for us to be friends rather than lovers   我們還是做朋友比較好


deserve (v)  應得  
 I don't deserve you   我配不上你
 You deserve someone better

You deserve it   指活該、自作自受


get back together   復合 when a couple, band or group decide to resume their relationship
She looked through the love letters from her ex-lover and realized they should get back together


👫 表示關係好


tight(adj)   A tight group of people is one whose members are closely linked by beliefs, feelings, or interests
We're a tight groupso we do keep in touch

get on   If you get on with someone, you like them and have a friendly relationship with them
What are your neighbors like? Do you get on with them?

➢ get on with sb.  = get along with sb. 相處好

buddy(n)  A buddy is a close friend, usually a male friend of a man

BBF = Best Friends Forever

pally(adj)  親密的、要好的  If you are pally with someone, you are friendly with them
We've been pally for years


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