
technology   (n)  科技(不可數的)  Technology refers to methods, systems, and devices which are the result of scientific knowledge being used for practical purposes
Technology has made our lives better


📠 People


technophile [ˈteknoʊfaɪl]  科技愛好者   a person who is enthusiastic about new technology
My grandfather is a 83-year-old technophile

➢ -phile 結尾的單字表示...迷

cinephile  [ˈsɪnəˌfaɪl] 電影迷

bibliophile  [ˈbɪbliəˌfaɪl]   書迷 someone who loves (and usually collects) books

technophobeˈteknoʊfoʊb]   If you refer to someone as a technophobe, you mean that they do not like new technology, such as computers or mobile telephones, and are afraid to use it
Allen is a technophobe
He thinks that our life is under technology ‘s control

tech-savvy  精通科技的人

savvy (adj)  If you describe someone as savvy, you think that they show a lot of practical knowledge

geek  電腦癡  You can refer to someone who is skilled with computers, and who seems more interested in them than in people, as a geek
My laptop died again
I need a geek


📠 adj


cutting edge    尖端的 the most modern stage of development in a particular type of work or activity
What we are planning is cutting-edge technology never seen in Australia before

state-of-the-art 先進的  very modern and using the most recent ideas and methods
The control panel uses all the newest technology and is considered state-of-the-art

the latest   最新的  The most recent development, as in fashion or the news
I use the short-wave radio to get the latest war news

outdated = obsolete [ɑbsəˈlit]  過時的   Something that is obsolete is no longer needed because something better has been invented
The typewriter is obsolete
The outdated website needs to be upgraded

✔ typewriter 打字機

compact [ˈkɑmˈpækt] 精巧的(有質感的)   Compact things are small or take up very little space. You use this word when you think this is a good quality
My new computer is compact
It’s easy to carry

bulky     厚重的  Something that is bulky is large and heavy。Bulky things are often difficult to move or deal with  
Furniture is so bulky
, it takes so much room

user-friendly    人性化的 If you describe something such as a machine or system as user-friendly, you mean that it is well designed and easy to use
This program is much more user–friendly


📠 Product


gadget   小器具  a small device or machine with a particular purpose
The TV remote is the best gadget ever invented

✔ remote control 遙控器

wearable devices   穿戴式裝置(運動手錶、健康手環等...)
Google glass is one of the newest 
wearable devices that swept the world these years

cloud computing   雲端運算

driverless car = self-driving car   無人車

3D printing    3D列印

virtual reality = VR   虛擬實境   Virtual reality is an environment which is produced by a computer and seems very like reality to the person experiencing it

➡ 利用電腦技術模擬出一個立體、高擬真的3D空間,當使用者穿戴特殊顯示裝置進入後,會產生好像處在現實中一般的錯覺 。在這空間中,操作者可以藉由控制器或是鍵盤,在這個虛擬的環境下穿梭或互動

augmented reality = AR   擴增實境(電腦製作出的影像,投射到真實世界的場景,例如寶可夢)   images produced by a computer and used together with a view of the real world

➡ 將虛擬資訊擴增到現實空間中的技術,不是要取代現實的空間,而是在現實空間中添加一個虛擬物件


mixed reality = MR   混合實境(把真實世界和虛擬世界混合在一起)

➡ 把現實世界和虛擬世界合併在一起,建立出一個新的環境和符合一般視覺上所認知的虛擬影像,現實世界中的物件可以跟數位世界中的物件共同存在並且即時的產生互動


📠 網路相關用語


glitch(n)  小故障、小毛病   A glitch is a problem which stops something from working properly or being successful
This computer program must have a glitchIt sometimes closes unexpectedly

go vial  爆紅 
This video has
gone viral on Youtube

phishing   網路釣魚  Phishing is the practice of trying to trick people into giving secret financial information by sending e-mails that look as if they come from a bank. The details are then used to steal people's money, or to steal their identity in order to commit crimes

spam(n)(v)  垃圾郵件、發垃圾郵件   e-mail that is sent to a lot of people, esp. e-mail that is not wanted

cookies    某些網站為了辨別用戶身分而儲存在用戶端上的資料   A cookie is a piece of computer software which enables a website you have visited to recognize you if you visit it again

sign up   註冊

sign in   登入
Hold onI just need to
sign in to Gmail to check my email

➢ sign in to

log out   登出  

username    使用者帳戶  
Please enter your username

➢ enter username

buffer    緩衝    A  buffer is an area in a computer's memory where information can be stored for a short time
My computer's taking forever to load this videoIt has been buffer for over a minute

✔ take forever 花很多時間


📠 mobile phone accessories 手機的週邊商品


(battery) charger  充電器 A charger is a device used for charging or recharging batteries
He forgot the charger for his mobile phone

charging cables  充電線
Can you borrow me your
 charging cables as my phone battery is completely dead?

portable charger = power bank  行動電源

✔ portable 可攜帶的

wireless charger   無線充電器
How do I set up the 
wireless charger

earplugs   耳塞

headphones = earphones   耳機

未命名.png (headphones

1111.png earphones


bluetooth headset   藍牙耳機

SD card = secure digital memory card  記憶卡  microSD card   微型記憶卡
I need to buy a 
microSD card as my phone is running out of memory

fisheye lens   魚眼鏡頭

wide-angle prime lens   廣角鏡

screen protector   螢幕保護貼

anti-blue light screen protector   抗藍光保護貼

water proof screen protector   防水保護貼

smartphone case   保護殼
There are scratches on the back of your phoneYou will probably need a
smartphone case to protect it

✔ scratch 刮傷


📠 網路族群


netizen = net + citizen [ˈnɛtɪzən]   鄉民
U.S. has a larger number of
netizens than any other countries

hater   黑特   If you call someone a hater of something, you mean that they strongly dislike that thing

troll(n)   酸民   someone who leaves an intentionally annoying message on the internet, in order to get attention or cause trouble

social justice warrior = SJW   正義魔人
Some players are afraid that 
social justice warriors will ruin video games because they can not stand any violence

cyber warrior   網軍   A cyber-warrior is a person who engages in cyberwarfare, whether for personal reasons or out of patriotic or religious belief

cyber war     網戰

opinion leader    意見領袖
Many girls see Jenny as their
 opinion leader and buy whatever she recommends

internet celebrity   網紅   

lurker    潛水者  someone who reads the messages in a chat room without taking part
Though I am a lurkerI keep following all information in this forum

✔ forum [ˈfɔrəm]   論壇 a place on the internet where people can leave messages or discuss particular subjects with other people at the same time


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    daddy-poppy's 藥學跟動物世界

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