🔧 車子零件


headlights   車頭燈          

high beam   遠光燈    the beam of a car's headlights that provides distant illumination       

(rear、front)bumper   保險桿    bumpers are bars at the front and back of a vehicle which protect it if it bumps into something       
Thanks to the 
the car didn’t suffer much damage in the serious car accident       

tire     輪胎       

tire gauge [ɡedʒ]  量胎壓工具  a device used to measure the pressure of the air in a tyre

wheel     輪子       

steering wheel   方向盤           

rearview mirror   後照鏡    Inside a car , the rear-view mirror is the mirror that enables you to see the traffic behind when you are driving     
I could see Mike looking at me in rearview mirror       

side view mirror   側照鏡           

windshield = windscreen   擋風玻璃           

windshield wiper   雨刷          

hood   引擎蓋     

trunk   後車廂
Can you pop the trunk?       

✔ pop the trunk 打開後車箱  

license plate  車牌         

event data recorder  行車記錄器           

dashboard   儀錶板    The dashboard in a car is the panel facing the driver's seat where most of the instruments and switches are       

turn signal   方向燈     A car's turn signals are the flashing lights that tell you it is going to turn left or right
Use turn signal when turning or changing lanes

reflector  反光板、反射器  A reflector is a small piece of specially patterned glass or plastic which is fitted to the back of a bicycle or car or to a post beside the road, and which glows when light shines on it


🚐 vehicle 




bike = bicycle   腳踏車

scooter    (不需打檔) 機車、滑板車

motorcycle   (需打檔) 機車
Come on! Scooters are for girlsMan go for a motorcycle

heavy motorcycle   重型機車




car 泛指所有車種

sedan  [sɪˈdæn]   轎車  a car with seats for four or five people, two or four doors, and a separate area in the back for bags, boxes, and suitcases

truck   貨車

bus   公車

taxi = cab   計程車

van   廂型車  A van is a small or medium-sized road vehicle with one row of seats at the front and a space for carrying goods behind


SUV (sport utility vehicle)   休旅車 


sports car   跑車

convertible  [ kənˈvɜ:rtəbl]  四人座敞篷車 A convertible is a car with a soft roof that can be folded down or removed



roadster   雙人座敞篷車   A roadster is a car with no roof and only two seats


RV = recreation vehicle   房車    a large motor vehicle that is designed to be lived in while travelling

semi [ˈsemi] = trailer    聯結車 

limousine [ˌlɪməˈzin]   長禮車   A limousine is a large and very comfortable car. Limousines are usually driven by a chauffeur and are used by very rich or important people

✔ chauffeur  [ʃoʊˈfɝ]  私人司機    someone whose job is to drive a car for a rich or important person

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boat   小船

ship   大船    A ship is a large boat which carries passengers or cargo

yacht [jɑ:t ] 遊艇   

ferry   渡輪

cruise   遊輪

 ferry  指乘載幾個小時和短程旅客的船,像高雄旗津渡輪、關渡渡輪;「cruise」指比較長時間的渡輪,像寶瓶號、公主號、鐵達尼號




airplane  飛機的總稱

jet   噴射機

fighter aircraft   戰鬥機




train    火車

subway   地鐵(美國)

tube   地鐵 (英國)  The tube is the underground railway system in London
People take the subway in New York
while Londoners take the tube

metro   捷運(法國)  The metro is the underground railway system in some cities, for example in Paris

MRT(Mass Rapid Transit)  捷運

BRT (Bus Rapid Transit)   公車捷運系統

LRT (Light Rail Transit)   輕軌列車


🚦 馬路設備


corner   街角

block  街區

tunnel   隧道

overpass=flyover   高架橋(給車走的)  An overpass is a structure which carries one road over the top of another one

footbridge  天橋(給人走的)  

underpass   地下通道   An underpass is a road or path that goes underneath a railway or another road

intersection   十字路口

shoulder   路肩

toll booth   收費亭

highway  公路   a main road, especially one that connects towns or cities

freeway  高速公路  

roundabout [ˈraʊndəˌbaʊt]   圓環

ramp   匝道  An entrance ramp is a road which cars use to drive onto a major road, and an exit ramp is a road which cars use to drive off a major road

 下高速公路的匝道「off-ramp」、上高速公路的匝道「 on-ramp

landmarks  地標   a building or place that is easily recognized, especially one that you can use to judge where you are
What are the landmarks around there?

crosswalk   斑馬線   A crosswalk is a place where pedestrians can cross a street and where drivers must stop to let them cross

➢ use the crosswalk

HOV = high-occupancy vehicle   高乘載車道   a road vehicle that carries a lot of people such as a bus , or a car with more than one passenger
In the morning and afternoon rush hours
HOV restrictions are enforced


🚘 駕駛動作、行為


start、crank up (v)   發動  If you crank up a machine or device, you start it
My car won't start
I don't know why it just won't crank up

behind the wheel  開車 
Derek is behind the wheel todayand I will look up the map

brake(v)   煞車
She braked sharply to avoid another car

stop on a dime 急煞   to come to a stop in a very short distance
Our new car is pretty good
It will stop on a dime

accelerate(v) 加速 
Suddenly the car 

tailgate(v) 緊緊跟車   If you tailgate someone, you drive very closely behind them
It is dangerous to tailgate another vehicle

pull over  路邊停車  When a vehicle or driver pulls over, the vehicle moves closer to the side of the road and stops there
The man decided to pull over to see if he could help

pull over  If the police pull over a driver or vehicle, they make the driver stop at the side of the road, usually because the driver has been driving dangerously
The officers pulled him over after a high-speed chase


park(v) 停車停車場 
He found a place to 
park the car

parking lot(n) 停車場
A block up the street I found a parking lot

parking fee    停車費


back(v) 倒車  
You can
back your car now
my side is clear / you are safe now / all clear (後面都沒車沒人,可以過了)

make a u turn  
Make a u-turn and go back the other way

pick up  接送上車   
I'll pick you up tomorrow

drop off  接送下車  

A:Where do you like me to drop you off ?
B:You can
drop me(off)around the corner


give a ride  送某人一程  
A:Oh my god
I’m going to be late!I think I’m going to hail a taxi
B:That’s ok
I’ll give you a ride

ride (n)  車程、路程  
Do you need a ride?

✔   hail a taxi    招計程車


pit stop  (旅途中)短暫休息 a short stop that you make during a long car journey in order to rest and eat
We made a quick pit stop in Denver before continuing our journey

➢ make a pit stop

pit stop   (賽車中)加油、維修   In motor racing, if a driver makes a pit stop, he or she stops in a special place at the side of the track to get more fuel and to make repairs
He had to make four pit stops during the race


🚘 交通違規、狀況


run the red light     闖紅燈
You shouldn't run the red light

speeding (n)   超速
You don’t want a speeding ticketdo you?

✔ speeding ticket 超速罰單

cut off     超車  
That taxi cut me off on the highway

jaywalk   擅自穿越馬路  to walk across a street at a place where it is not allowed or without taking care to avoid the traffic
Let’s use the crosswalk
It’s too dangerous to jaywalk

lead foot(n)    開快車的人
Don’t be a lead foot

Sunday driver    開車慢的人     A person who drives annoyingly slow
My mom is a Sunday driver

hit and run    肇事逃逸

fender bender(n)   小擦撞    a road accident in which the vehicles involved are only slightly damaged 
I had a little fender bender


flat tire     爆胎
There's something wrong with my carI think we have a flat tire here

➢ have a flat tire

spare tire     備胎

fix the tire    補胎
Can we take it to the workshop and ask them to fix it?

put something in service      把東西送去(原廠)修理或保養
We have a dead battery nowI'd better put this car in service
I hope that they are able to put the elevator in service soon。I am tired of climbing stairs


traffic jam    塞車
We were stuck in a traffic jam 

➢ stuck in a traffic jam 困在車潮

car crash = car accident 車禍
Her husband was killed in a car crash
I was involved in a car accident

breakdown    車子拋錨或故障   If a car or a piece of machinery has a breakdown, it stops working
I had a breakdown in the middle of the road

➢ haves a breakdown

roadside assistance(n)  道路救援
I need roadside assistance

illegal parking   違規停車

tow  [toʊ]     拖吊
You're not allowed to park hereyour car will be towed away 

➢  tow away


🚗 車位、乘載


ride the bitch  坐在後座中間 Sitting in-between the driver and the passenger in a vehicle or sitting behind the driver on a motorcycle
I don't want to ride the bitch

shotgun = front seat   坐在前座
I want to take the

➢  take the shotgun

car pool (n)  共乘   A car pool is an arrangement where a group of people take turns driving each other to work, or driving each other's children to school. In American English, car pool is sometimes used to refer simply to people travelling together in a car
I am in car pool with someone

➢  in car pool with

car pool (v)
We can
car pool to save the gas

fit in  容納 
How many people can
fit in your car?
I can take 4 people


🚗 路程用語


shortcut (n)  捷徑   a route shorter than the usual one
If I take a shortcutI can walk to school for only five minutes

➢  take a shortcut

cut corners  抄捷徑、偷工減料、節省開支  to take shortcuts ; to save money or effort by finding cheaper or easier ways to do something 
You cannot cut corners if you want to do a perfect job

detour [ˈditʊr](n)   繞道  If you make a detour on a journey, you go by a route which is not the shortest way, because you want to avoid something such as a traffic jam, or because there is something you want to do on the way 
We made a detour to avoid the heavy traffic

➢ make a detour


 What is the fastest way? = Which way is quicker?  走哪條路比較快?

* How far(is it)from here?    從這裡去有多遠?

* Is this the way to somewhere?   這是到xx的路嗎?


🚘 交通工具介係詞


* 能在交通工具上自由走動(有平台),使用「on」:on a shipon a buson a planeon a trainon a ferryon a subway

* 能坐或站在交通工具上,使用「on on a bicycleon a surfboard 衝浪板、on a motorcycleon a horseon skis 滑雪板、 on ice skates 溜冰鞋 、on a snowboard 滑雪板

* 如果需要將自己縮進交通工具中,通常使用「inin a taxiin a carin a truckin a helicopter

 上車:get onget(jump、hop)in

 下車:get offget out

* 下交流道:get off   We can get off at the next exit

* 上高速公路: get on ➡ get on the freeway


🚘 其它交通用語


passenger driver = backseat driver  愛指揮駕駛的乘客
SorryI will stop being a passenger driver then

miss (v)  錯過
You just missed the turn /exit

road rage(n)   路品不好,容易動怒  anger or violence between drivers, often caused by difficult driving conditions
There is usually more road rage in the city than in the country

charter (v)  租用(通常是飛行交通工具)  to rent a vehicle, especially an aircraft, for a special use and not as part of a regular service
He chartered a jet to fly her home from California to Switzerland 

navigate(v)  導航  When someone navigates a ship or an aircraft somewhere, they decide which course to follow and steer it there. You can also say that a ship or an aircraft navigates somewhere
It's now easier to navigate through the woods with a GPS 




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