🏀 sport vs exercise
sport 有競爭性質的運動,大多是球類運動 Physical activity in which people compete against each other, and that has rules
Sam spent all his weekend playing sports
Football is an exciting sport
sports 運動會
The school sports will be held next week,so everyone is practicing hard
exercise 通常指有計畫、規律性的、為了強健身體而做的運動 Physical activity that you do regularly in order to stay strong and healthy
You should do more exercise if you wish to be more masculine
exercises 練習題
If you want good grades in midterm exam,you must do more excercises
➡ 有些運動可以是「sport」 也可以是「exercise」,例如 swimming
🏀 運動搭配的動詞
sport 是可數名詞,前面動詞會用 play;exercise 當運動解釋時,可以當名詞和動詞,當名詞時前面的動詞會用 do
➡ play sport、do exercise、exercise(v)
* 「play」 後面通常會接球類運動,需要兩方競賽的活動play badminton
play football / soccer
play softball 壘球
play basketball
play volleyball
play squash 壁球
play golf
play pool
play table tennis
play tennis
play baseball
play dodgeball 躲避球
play hockey 曲棍球
* 「go」通常接動名詞的運動,而且是可以單獨從事的運動
go mountain climbing
go mountain hiking
go skiing [ski:ɪŋ] 滑雪
go skating
go bowling
go cycling
go sailing
go hiking
go treking
go fishing
go surfing
go swimming
go diving
go canoeing [kəˈnu:ɪŋ] 划獨木舟
go jogging
go horse-riding
* 「do 大多以身體動作為主的運動,不一定要有器具,這類運動常常被用來調養生息
do weightlifting 舉重
do judo 柔道
do taekwondo [taɪ'kɒndoʊ] 跆拳道
do gymnastics
do kung fu
do long jump 跳遠
do aerobics
do yoga
do wrestling [ˈrɛslɪŋ] 摔跤
do karate [kəˈrɑti] 空手道
🏀 field events 田賽(在運動場中間進行)
high jump 跳高
long jump 跳遠
triple jump 三級跳
pole vault [ˋpol͵vɔlt] 撐竿跳
discus throw 擲鐵餅
hammer throw 擲鏈球
(hammer throw)
shot put 推鉛球
(shot put)
javelin [ˋdʒævlɪn] throw 標槍
🏀 track events 主要在運動場外圍跑道進行
sprint 短跑 a short and very fast race, such as the 100 metres, or the last part of a longer race that is run as fast as possible
As part of basketball practice,we usually do sprints around the gym
➢ do sprints
middle-distance running 中長跑
long-distance running 長跑
walking race 競走
hurdle 跨欄賽跑 Hurdles is a race in which people have to jump over a number of obstacles that are also called hurdles
relay (race) 接力賽 a running or swimming race between two or more teams in which each person in the team runs or swims part of the race
half marathon 半馬拉松
marathon [ˈmærəθɑn] 馬拉松(42.195公里)
🏀 水上運動
⊙ preparation
sunscreen lotion = sunscreen oil = sunblock 防曬乳(油)
Can you put sunscreen on my back for me please? I want to prevent suntan and sunburn
➢ put on sunscreen
✔ suntan 曬黑
✔ sunburn 曬傷
warm up 熱身 If you warm up for an event such as a race, you prepare yourself for it by doing exercises or by practicing just before it starts
⊙ clothing
swimming suit 泳裝
surfing swimming suit 衝浪衣
goggles 蛙鏡、風鏡、護目鏡 Goggles are large glasses that fit closely to your face around your eyes to protect them from such things as water, wind, or dust
swimming cap 泳帽
bikinis 比基尼
speedo 緊身三角泳褲
sunglasses 太陽眼鏡
We need to prepare a few things。For example,swimming suits、goggles、sunscreen and swimming caps。I’m going to wear bikinis。Will you be wearing your speedo?
⊙ swim
swimming pool 游泳池
free style 自由式 breaststroke 蛙式 back stroke 仰式 butterfly 蝶式
Sometimes I use breaststroke,backstroke,and free style
➢ use + 泳式
doggy paddle = dog paddle 狗爬式
I really know nothing about swimming。I can only use doggy paddle
✔ paddle 槳、划槳 If you paddle a boat, you move it through water using a paddle
⊙ water activities
jet ski 水上摩托車 A jet ski is a small machine like a motorcycle that is powered by a jet engine and can travel on the surface of water
banana boating 香蕉船
parasailing [ˈpærəseɪlɪŋ] 拖曳傘
water volleyball 水上排球
water polo 水球
diving 跳水 Diving is the sport or activity in which you jump into water head first with your arms held straight above your head, usually from a diving board
waterskiing 滑水
(water skiling)
rowing 划船 Rowing is a sport in which people or teams race against each other in boats with oars
surfing 衝浪
diving 潛水 diving is the activity of working or looking around underwater, using special breathing equipment
scuba diving 水肺潛水(背氧氣筒)
✔ scuba 氧氣筒
(scuba diving)
free-diving 自由潛水(不用背氧氣筒)
snorkel diving 浮潛
✔ snorkel 浮潛面具 A snorkel is a tube through which a person swimming just under the surface of the sea can breathe
(snorkel diving)
⊙ 溪邊
fishing 釣魚
rafting 泛舟 Rafting is the sport of travelling down a river on a raft
The camp offered bicycle tours、river rafting、fishing and hiking
river tracing 溯溪
🏀 work out 健身
treadmill 跑步機 A treadmill is a piece of equipment, for example an exercise machine, consisting of a wheel with steps around its edge or a continuous moving belt. The weight of a person or animal walking on it causes the wheel or belt to turn
kickboxing 拳擊有氧
barbell 槓鈴
push-up 伏地挺身
sit-up 仰臥起坐
jumping jacks 開合跳
squats [skwɑːt] 深蹲 If you squat, you lower yourself towards the ground, balancing on your feet with your legs bent
🏀 其它運動
paragliding 滑翔傘運動 If a person paraglides,they jump from an aircraft or off a hill or tall building while wearing a special parachute which allows them to control the way they float to the ground
trek(v) 徒步旅行 If you trek somewhere, you go on a journey across difficult country, usually on foot
This year we're going trekking in Nepal
➢ go trekking
sumo [ˈsu:moʊ] 相撲
tug of war 拔河
🏀 sports idioms
neck and neck 並駕齊驅 exactly even, especially in a race or a contest
Mary and Ann were neck and neck in the spelling contest。Their scores were tied
jump the gun 操之過急
Don’t jump the gun,This is only our first date
the ball is in your court 該你決定或作主了
We have already come up with our solution to the problem。It’s up to you to decide whether or not to follow our advice,The ball is in your court
pass the torch 傳承、交棒 to give responsibility to someone
After devoting forty years in the company that he has founded,Mr. Kudo recently retired and passed the torch to his eldest son
✔ torch 火炬
✔ devote 奉獻
🏀 運動其它相關用法
* You took me easily 表示自己輸的心甘情願
* You(really)kicked my ass 表示自己輸得很慘
* You are better though,I am just lucky 其實你表現得較好,我只是幸運罷了
rematch(n) 複賽、重賽、再賽 A rematch is a second game that is played between two people or teams, for example because their first match was a draw or because there was a dispute about some aspect of it
Do you want a rematch? = Do you want to play again?