
⊙ brown-noser = ass kisser  馬屁精


teacher’s pet  拍老師馬屁的人

flatter (v)  阿諛奉承  If someone flatters you, they praise you in an exaggerated way that is not sincere, because they want to please you or to persuade you to do something
Jane is just flattering him to get some benefits


⊙ tattletale [ˈtætlˌtel]  抓耙子 a person, especially a child, who secretly tells someone in authority especially a teacher, that someone else has done something bad , often in order to cause trouble


nark(n)   告密者、線民   a person , especially a criminal, who gives the police information about other criminals

snitch (v)   告密、舉發   To snitch on a person means to tell someone in authority that the person has done something bad or wrong
He snitched to my boss that I'd been making long-distance calls at work

➢ snitch on someone 告密某人做的壞事

➢ snitch to someone 跟某人告密

tell on   告狀   If you tell on someone, you give information about them to a person in authority, especially if they have done something wrong
Never mind
I won't tell on you


⊙ clingy (adj) ['klɪŋɪ]   過於依賴別人的   If you describe someone as clingy, you mean that they become very attached to people and depend on them too much
I think my boyfriend is kind of too clingy。I feel like he wants to stick around me 


⊙ temptress (n) [ˈtɛmptrɪs]   狐狸精    If you describe a woman as a temptress, you mean that she uses her female charm to encourage men to have sexual relations with her


foxy woman(lady)   性感妖媚的女人(貶義)

seductive (adj)[səˈdʌk.tɪv]   媚惑的   Something that is seductive is very attractive or makes you want to do something that you would not otherwise do 
I love dressing up to look


⊙ blabbermouth = big mouth(n)  多嘴的人   a person who talks carelessly, often telling secrets to other people
Do not tell her anything because she's a blabbermouth 


talkative(adj)  健談的   Someone who is talkative talks a lot

chatterbox(n)  話匣子  A chatterbox is someone who talks a lot


⊙ snob(n)   勢利的人    If you call someone a snob, you disapprove of them because they admire upper-class people and have a low opinion of lower-class people
She’s a terrible snob who only wants to be friend with powerful people


⊙ slacker(n) 懶惰的人   If you describe someone as a slacker, you mean that they are lazy and do less work than they should
Those slackers have gone home early again


lazybones    someone who is lazy

slob [slɑb]   邋遢懶惰的人  If you call someone a slob, you mean that they are very lazy and untidy
He's a big fat slob,I can't stand him

goof off = slack off     偷懶、混日子   If someone goofs off, they spend their time doing nothing, often when they should be working
He likes to goof off all the time
no wonder the boss wants to fire him!


⊙ moaner (n)    愛發牢騷的人   a person who complains a lot, usually about something that does not seem important to other people:


whine(v)    發牢騷     If you say that someone is whining , you mean that they are complaining in an annoying way about something unimportant
It's just a scratch
Stop whining

 Stop whining 別發牢騷了


⊙ crybaby (n)     愛哭鬼
Don’t be such a crybaby


⊙ princess tendencies=princess syndrome  公主病
Cathy has serious princess tendenciesI wish someone could cure her


daddy’s little princess  爸爸的小公主

mama’s boy   媽寶

self-centered (adj)  自我中心的

indulgent (adj)[ɪnˈdʌldʒənt]     縱容的   If you are indulgent, you treat a person with special kindness, often in a way that is not good for them
His indulgent mother was willing to let him do anything he wanted
He had been a strict father but was
indulgent to his grandchildren

 be indulgent to

spoiled (adj)  被寵壞的   If you spoil children, you give them everything they want or ask for。This is considered to have a bad effect on a child's character


⊙ temperamental [ˌtem.prəˈmen.təl]    喜怒無常的   A tempermental person is someone whose mood often changes very suddenly
Be careful when you approach her。She’s temperamental

注意  情緒化不是使用 emotional


grumpy= cranky(adj)  脾氣暴躁的   easily annoyed and complaining:
She understands why I get tired and grumpy


⊙ thick-skinned(adj)   厚臉皮的   If you say that someone is thick-skinned, you mean that they are not easily upset by criticism or unpleasantness
He is thick-skinned and never cares what others say


shameless(adj)  無恥的
He's shameless about his cheating and lying

brazen(adj)   無恥的  If you describe a person or their behavior as brazen, you mean that they are very bold and do not care what other people think about them or their behavior
She had become brazen about the whole affair

cheeky (adj) 調皮、放肆的   If you describe a person or their behavior as cheeky, you think that they are slightly rude or disrespectful but in a charming or amusing way
The boy was cheeky and casual 

 You have a lot of nerve    你臉皮真厚


⊙ cheapskate = miser = penny pitcher(n)    小氣鬼
Your boss is a cheapskatehe makes everyone work overtime without pay

✔ work overtime 加班


stingy(adj)    If you describe someone as stingy, you are criticizing them for being unwilling to spend money
He's really stingy and never buys anyone a drink when we go out
The landlords are so
stingy,they refused to pay for new carpets

Don’t you know that he’s a cheap person? He only offers his guests tap water instead of mineral water
tea or coffee

 Money means everything to someone     指某人視錢如命 

economical  [ˌi:kəˈnɑ:mɪkl]    經濟的 
You should buy ordinary everyday foodstuffs in bulkit's more economical

✔ in bulk 大量的

thrifty [ˈθrɪfti]   節省的    If you say that someone is thrifty, you are praising them for saving money, not buying unnecessary things, and not wasting things
My mother taught me to be thrifty


⊙ chicken = coward  [ˈkaʊərd]  膽小鬼
I’m not a chicken。I’m just being discreet

✔ discreet 謹慎的


⊙ stubborn  [stʌbərn]  頑固的   Someone who is stubborn or who behaves in a stubborn way is determined to do what they want and is very unwilling to change their mind
They have huge arguments because they're both so stubborn


as stubborn as a mule
Don't waste words on him。He is
 as stubborn as a mule

headstrong (adj)  固執的  

dig in heel    絕不妥協   to refuse to alter one's course of action or opinions
I'm digging in my heels
I'm not going back

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