

downtime (n)   downtime is time when people are not working
What do you do in your downtime

spare time (n)  Your spare time is the time during which you do not have to work and you can do whatever you like
What do you do in your spare time

off     If you have time off or a particular day off, you do not go to work or school, for example because you are ill or it is a day when you do not usually work
Did you enjoy your time off
What do you do when you have time off

Where are you going on your holiday ?


place to go

monument [ˈmɑnjumənt] 名勝古蹟   A monument is something such as a castle or bridge which was built a very long time ago and is regarded as an important part of a country's history

monument  紀念碑  A monument is a large structure, usually made of stone, which is built to remind people of an event in history or of a famous person

amusement park   遊樂場

night club   夜店

beach   海灘

resort  [rɪˈzɔ:rt] 度假勝地    A resort is a place where a lot of people spend their holiday
The resort is popular among ski enthusiasts

fair  園遊會  A fair is an event at which people display and sell goods, especially goods of a particular type



hobby(n) 興趣  
What are your hobbies = Have you got any hobbies ? 

What do you do outside of work   下班後會做些什麼?



watching TV / DVDs / dramas 

reading novel / magazine / comic book / newspaper

playing computer game / on-line game

surfing the Internet 

playing cards   玩牌

-bridge   橋牌

-blackjack   21
He lost all his money at a blackjack table in Las Vegas

playing mah-jongg   打麻將

playing chess   下棋

Chinese chess   象棋

jump chess   跳棋

painting   繪畫

domino [ˈdɑmənoʊ]  骨牌、疊疊樂  Dominoes is a game in which players put dominoes onto a table in turn

sculpting  [skʌlpt]  雕刻

flower arranging   插花

photography  [fəˈtɑgrəfi]  攝影

calligraphy [kəˈlɪɡrəfi]  書法   Calligraphy is the art of producing beautiful handwriting using a brush or a special pen


音樂相關興趣 玩球用 play + 球類;彈奏樂器用 play the + 樂器 

piano   鋼琴

harp   豎琴

cello  [ˈtʃeloʊ]  大提琴

violin  [vaɪəˈlɪn] 小提琴

viola  [viˈoʊlə] 中提琴  


flute  長笛

saxophone [ˈsæksəfoʊn]  薩克斯風

guitar  吉他

trumpet   喇叭

oboe   [ˋobo] 雙簧管

clarinet   單簧管(豎笛)

French horn   法國號

organ   風琴

orchestra [ˋɔrkɪstrə]   管絃樂團   An orchestra is a large group of musicians who play a variety of different instruments together

symphony [ˋsɪmfənɪ] 交響樂    A symphony is a piece of music written to be played by an orchestra




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