positive personality


ambitious  有野心的   Someone who is ambitious has a strong desire to be successful, rich, or powerful

brave   勇敢的

broad-minded   寬宏大量的  If you describe someone as broad-minded, you approve of them because they are willing to accept types of behavior which other people consider immoral
The new mayor is broad-minded and liberal about things

calm   冷靜的

compassionate[kəmˈpæʃ.ən.ət]   有同情心的   If you describe someone or something as compassionate, you mean that they feel or show pity, sympathy, and understanding for people who are suffering
We all should be compassionate and pay more attention to others’ feelings

confident  [ˈkɑnfɪdənt]  自信的

considerate = thoughtful   體貼的

dependable = reliable   可靠的
I need someone dependable to take care of the children while I'm at work

diligent  [ˈdɪlədʒənt] = industrious     勤奮的    Someone who is diligent works hard in a careful and thorough way

down-to-earth = practical   實際的

easy-going    好相處的

energetic [ˌenərˈdʒetɪk ] = lively [ˈlaɪvli ] = vibrant =  dynamic      有活力的
He seemed a dynamic and energetic leader

enthusiastic [ɪnˌθuziˈæstɪk]     熱情的   If you are enthusiastic about something , you show how much you like or enjoy it by the way that you behave and talk
Jack is always enthusiastic about dancing

fearless  [ˈfɪrləs]    無畏的
The soldiers followed their fearless leader into the battle

frank     坦然的、坦白的

friendly = kind = nice   友善的

funny   逗趣的

generous     慷慨的

gentle    溫柔有禮的

genuine  [ˈdʒɛnjuɪn] = sincere [sɪnˈsɪr]    真誠的
Mike is such a genuine person that he’s well-liked among friends

well-liked  受喜愛的   liked by many people

honest     誠實的

independent     獨立的

industrious = diligent    勤勞的   If you describe someone as industrious, you mean they work very hard
Lauren’s amazing calligraphy skills were due to months of industrious practice

knowledgeable     博學的

mature    成熟的

methodical [məˈθɑdɪkl] = organized      有條有理的    If you describe someone as methodical, you mean that they do things carefully, thoroughly, and in order

modest [ˈmɑdɪst ] = humble     謙虛的

open-minded     心胸開闊的

optimistic  [ˌɑptɪˈmɪstɪk]     樂觀的  

out-going     外向的

patient     有耐心的

active    積極主動的(人)    Active is used to emphasize that someone is taking action in order to achieve something, rather than just hoping for it or achieving it in an indirect way

proactive    積極主動的(物、事)     Proactive actions are intended to cause changes, rather than just reacting to change

persuasive  [pərˈsweɪsɪv]    有說服力的  
He is one of the most
 persuasive people I’ve ever met
A lot of people have taken his advice after being inspired by his words

punctual     準時的   arriving, doing something, or happening at the expected, correct time; not late
He's always very punctual。I'll see if he's here yet

resolute [ˈrɛzəˌlut]    堅定不移的    If you describe someone as resolute, you approve of them because they are very determined not to change their mind or not to give up a course of action
Emily is resolute in her decision to work abroad

responsible     負責任的

romantic      浪漫的

self-disciplined     有自制力的

sociable      善於社交的

talented     才華洋溢的

talkative      健談的

thrifty   [ˈθrɪfti]     節儉的 
Jeff is so
 thrifty that he only spends money on the things he really needs

trustworthy  值得信賴的

unique   獨一無二的

upbeat  快樂的   If people or their opinions are upbeat, they are cheerful and hopeful about a situation
Scientists remain upbeat about the information that will be gathered

warm     溫暖的

wise    聰明的

witty     風趣的 Someone or something that is witty is amusing in a clever way
He is a very witty speaker

forward     積極有野心的人
He is a forward person

forward girl    前衛的女生    someone who is unreserved, friendly, bold, and sociable

* someone is an encyclopedia / a brain / a walking library     學問淵博的人

extrovert (n) = out going person  外向的人   Someone who is extrovert is very active, lively, and friendly 
She's a good person to invite to a party because she's such an extrovert

laid back = easy going  隨和的  
Nothing worried himhe was really laid back 

hospitality   好客的   Hospitality is friendly, welcoming behavior towards guests or people you have just met 

agile (adj) [ˈædʒl]   靈敏的、機智的  1。 Someone who is agile can move quickly and easily ;2。If you have an agile mind, you think quickly and intelligently
An acrobat has to be agile 

acrobat  雜耍演員  An acrobat is an entertainer who performs difficult physical acts such as jumping and balancing, especially in a circus


negative personality


arrogant   傲慢的

boring   無聊的

callous [ˈkæləs]  冷酷無情的   A callous person or action is very cruel and shows no concern for other people or their feelings
When Jessica fell over and broke her leg,her classmates just ignored her which was really callous

careless   粗心的

clumsy [ˈklʌmzi] (手腳)笨拙的    A clumsy person moves or handles things in a careless, awkward way, often so that things are knocked over or broken

cowardly [ˈkaʊədli]   懦夫的
I was too cowardly to complain

crazy   瘋狂的

creepy   令人發毛的

cruel   殘忍的

dishonest   不誠實的

depressed   沮喪的

evil   邪惡的

flippant   [ˈflɪpənt] 輕率無禮的  If you describe a person or what they say as flippant, you are criticizing them because you think they are not taking something as seriously as they should
You must beware of your flippant attitude,or you’ll never get a promotion

foolish = silly   愚笨的

forgetful    健忘的

greedy   貪心的

grumpy = cranky  脾氣暴躁的 
He gets grumpy when no one listens to him

quick temper (n) 脾氣壞的人  a bad temper that can be easily aroused
He has a quick temper ,a little things will piss him off

irresolute  [ɪˈrɛzəˌlut]  優柔寡斷的   Someone who is irresolute cannot decide what to do

lazy   懶散的

lonely   寂寞的

mean   刻薄的

naive  [nɑˈiv] 天真的   If you describe someone as naive, you think they lack experience and so expect things to be easy or people to be honest or kind
It's naive of you to believe he'll do what he says

naughty 淘氣頑皮的

pessimistic   悲觀的 

picky   愛挑惕的、吹毛求疵的
He is always very picky about food

* Someone’s so anal   指吹毛求疪過度到了會影響他人的程度的人

possessive   佔有慾強的  Someone who is possessive about another person wants all that person's love and attention
Kelly is possessive toward her boyfriend。She asks him not to talk to any girls

quarrelsome  [ˈkwɔrəlsəm]  愛爭辯的 

rebellious  叛逆的
When we were 18-year-old,we were rebellious and seldom accepted the advices from our parents

selfish  自私的

snobbish   勢利的

stingy = mean = cheapskate    小氣的

stubborn = headstrong    固執的

strange    奇怪的  

thoughtless    不顧他人(感受)的

timid = shy     羞怯的    Timid people are shy, nervous, and have no courage or confidence in themselves

self-conscious    害羞的   Someone who is self-conscious is easily embarrassed and nervous because they feel that everyone is looking at them and judging them
He only dances when he drinks,because he's very self-conscious about his dance moves

weak    虛弱的

worthless    無用的   Someone who is described as worthless is considered to have no good qualities or skills

conservative  [kənˈsɜ:rvətv]  保守的    Someone who is conservative or has conservative ideas is unwilling to accept and changes new ideas
People tend to be more aggressive when they're young and more conservative as they get older

yes-man (n)   If you describe a man as a yes-man, you dislike the fact that he seems always to agree with people who have authority over him, in order to gain favor
My boyfriend is a yes-man 
* He is a puppy  

big head  自以為是的  someone who believes that they are very clever or very good at an activity and who thinks that other people should admire them
Bob is such a big-head。He never stops telling people how wonderful he is

narrow-minded 心胸狹窄的   If you describe someone as narrow-minded, you are criticizing them because they are unwilling to consider new ideas or other people's opinions

distant (adj) 冷漠的  if you describe someone as distant, you mean that you find them cold and unfriendly
Mike's girlfriend is a bit distant


中性  personality

reserved  內斂的  Someone who is reserved keeps their feelings hidden
Even though I'm quite a reserved person,I like meeting people


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