criticism  [ˈkrɪtɪˌsɪzəm]   criticism is the action of expressing disapproval of something or someone


criticize (v) [ˈkrɪtɪˌsaɪz]  批判、批評  If you criticize someone or something, you express your disapproval of them by saying what you think is wrong with them
If you criticize Pablo
he becomes very abrasive

critic(n)  評論家  A critic is a person who writes about and expresses opinions about things such as books, films, music, or art
The New York critics had praised her performance

critique(n)[krˈtik]   評論文章  A critique is a written examination and judgment of a situation or of a person's work or ideas

pessimist (n) [ˈpesɪmɪst] 悲觀主義者  A pessimist is someone who thinks that bad things are going to happen
I'm a natural pessimist,I usually expect the worst

cynic (n)  憤世嫉俗者  A cynic is someone who believes that people always act selfishly

cynical (adj)  憤世嫉俗的  If you describe someone as cynical, you mean they believe that people always act selfishly
I've always been deeply cynical about politicians


backseat driver (n)   If you refer to a passenger in a car as a back-seat driver, they annoy you because they constantly give you advice
To avoid being a backseat driver
I keep my mouth shut

disparage (v) [dɪˈspærɪdʒ]  貶低、輕視 to criticize someone or something in a way that shows you do not respect or value him, her, or it
Your behavior will disparage the whole family
I don't mean to
disparage your achievements

lambaste(v) [læmˈbest]  嚴厲指責、抨擊   to criticize someone or something severely
Her first novel was lambasted by the critics

denounce (v)[dɪˈnaʊns]  公開譴責、痛批   If you denounce a person or an action, you criticize them severely and publicly because you feel strongly that they are wrong or evil
The government's economic policy has been denounced on all sides

We should denounce a heresy

heresy [ˈherə.si]  邪說  Heresy is a belief or action that most people think is wrong, because it disagrees with beliefs that are generally accepted


pick apart  吹毛求疵的
It was very unkind of the newspapers to pick apart the young singer's performance 

picky  愛挑剔的  
Everyone knows children are picky eaters

 You're so anal   你很龜毛、挑剔


chicken(n) 膽小鬼  
I'm scared of the dark。I'm a big

scaredy cat (n)  Someone frightened by almost everything 


take the cake (諷刺) 壞、倒楣到了極點  if you say that something someone has said or done takes the cake, you mean that it was very bad, and even worse than things they have said or done before
I've known some jerks but you take the cake
I've seen bad grammar
but this takes the cake


compliments  A compliment is a polite remark that you say to someone to show that you like their appearance, appreciate their qualities, or approve of what they have done


praise(v) 讚揚  If you praise someone or something, you express approval for their achievements or qualities
The American president praised Turkey for its courage

flatter(v) 奉承  If someone flatters you, they praise you in an exaggerated way that is not sincere, because they want to please you or to persuade you to do something
I knew she was just flattering me

butter up   討好、奉承  If someone butters you up, they try to please you because they want you to help or support them
He tried hard to butter up the Mayor

kiss up to someone  奉承   
Edgar is
 kissing up to the boss again

brown-nose(v) 拍馬屁
The rest of the class were sick of watching him brown-nose

boot licker = brown noser (n) 馬屁精


applaud (v)  鼓掌  
Every person stood to
applaud his unforgettable act of courage

congratulate(v)  道賀
He congratulated him on the birth of his son

first rate (adj)  一流的
The food here is absolutely first-rate

top notch (adj)  一流的
The peanuts they grow are top-notch

on the ball  有本領的
You can trust himhe's got a lot on the ball

out of the world  非凡的 
This pie is out of this world

head and shoulder above the rest  出類拔萃的 
Chicago's basketball team may be the oldest
but it is still head and shoulders above the rest of the league




kill it  做的很好
Nancy was nervous before going on stagebut she killed it and amazed the audience

kill it  搞砸
Brad totally killed it when he laughed before Emily got to the funny part of the joke


slay it = kill it = good job = nail it  做的很好
Jolin slayed it at the concert yesterday with her amazing singing and choreography

A:How was your exam?
B:Staying up all night was worth it。I
 nailed it

pull it off    完成不簡單的事 
This is an amazing party! As an organizer,you really pulled it off

blown away  令......驚艷 
I was blown away when the magician pulled 5 rabbits out of his hat
I was really
blown away by the beautiful natural scenery

bring it  (演出)表現的好  to perform well
After your amazing performance last week,I don’t think you brought it this week

bring it(on)  放馬過來 
You think you’re better than me? Bring it(on)



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