⛅ 天氣會話

What is the weather like out there? = How is the weather out there?    問外面的天氣如何?

It's a beautiful / nice / lovely day    天氣很好

We couldn't ask for a nicer day,could we?    沒有比今天更好的天氣了


☂ 下大雨


rain cats and dogs  (少用) 
It rained cats and dogs last night
= It rained very hard last night
= It rained very heavily last night (常用)
= We had a heavy rain last night (常用)

 It is(really)coming down   指雨下的很大


pour(v)  When it rains very heavily, you can say that it is pouring

➢ It is pouring


downpour  傾盆大雨   A downpour is a sudden and unexpected heavy fall of rain
A heavy downpour interrupted the football match


shower  陣雨
Our picnic was canceled due to the sudden shower

✔ sudden shower 偶陣雨


thundershower 雷陣雨

thunderstorm  雷雨


☂ 淋濕


drench (v) 使濕透   To drench something or someone means to make them completely wet

➢ I’m soaking wet = I’m soaked to my skin = I’m drenched = I’m getting wet through


☂ 下毛毛雨、小雨


drizzle (n)(v)[ 'drɪzl ] 下毛毛雨   If it is drizzling, it is raining very lightly
It's drizzling

sprinkle (v) 下毛毛雨   If it is sprinkling, it is raining very lightly
It's just sprinkling

spit (v) 下毛毛雨   If it is spitting, it is raining very lightly
It will stop in a minute,it's only spitting

scattered rain  零星降雨
We have to cancel the track and field contest because of the scattered rain

✔ track and field contest 田徑比賽

✔ scattered 分佈的、散落的


☉ 溫度


bracing (尤其指地方、氣候或活動)宜人的、令人心曠神怡的   if you describe something, especially a place, climate, or activity as bracing, you mean that it makes you feel fresh and full of energy
The bracing sea breeze refreshed my mind and body

cool(adj) 涼爽的
Thank goodness it's cool in here

chilly(adj) 寒冷的 比「cold」多了一點不舒服的感覺
It was too chilly for swimming
It was so 
chilly that I could not fall asleep that night

bone - chilling 寒風凜冽的
The wind is bone-chilling = The wind chills me to the bone

spine - chilling  令人毛骨悚然的  A spine-chilling film or story makes you feel very frightened
It was spine-chilling to learn that a murderer was in our neighborhood

cold(adj) 寒冷的 ➞ 指一般知覺上的冷,比較中性的說法
The house is cold because I can't afford to turn the heat on
He is used to taking a 
cold shower

frosty  霜凍的

freezing (adj)   凍僵的
You need to put on your sweater because it's freezing

brisk(adj)  寒冷而清新的   If the weather is brisk, it is cold and fresh
The breeze was cool
brisk and invigorating

✔ invigorating 神清氣爽的 


 冷度:freezing > frosty > chilly > cold > cool / bracing / brisk


 It's burning up = It's hot as hell     指天氣很熱


ϟ 風力


windy(adj)  風大的  
We can't play badminton today because it's too windy

breezy(adj)  微風陣陣的   When the weather is breezy, there is a fairly strong but pleasant wind blowing
The day was breezy and warm


❄ 霧 


mist = fog 
Everything was covered in mist

hazy(adj)  霧濛濛的(通常是因為熱氣)  Hazy air or weather is not clear, especially because of heat

foggy(adj) 有霧的  
It was now the middle of November
cold and often foggy


☔ 濕度


wet (adj) 濕透的   
Without an umbrellayou would get wet through

✔ get wet through 濕透的 

moist (adj) 微濕的    Something that is moist is slightly wet    最低程度的濕,而且是ㄧ種剛剛好、非常舒適的感覺,通常用來形容事物稍微濕潤的狀態
Soil must be moist enough for seeds to grow
Moist chocolate cake is her favorite dessert 
➞ 常用來形容蛋糕或甜點溼潤的口感

humid = muggy(adj) 濕熱的   You use humid to describe an atmosphere or climate that is very damp, and usually very hot    形容水氣飽和,感到悶熱難耐的天氣
Few people can endure such hot and humid weather

damp (adj)  潮溼的  通常指又濕又冷的情況
The house is cold and damp


 濕度: wet > humidmuggy= damp > moist


⛅ 其他天氣現象


hail (v) 下冰雹   When it hails, hail falls like rain from the sky  
It started to hail huge great stones

whiteout 雪盲

images.jpg (whiteout)

 The devil's beating his wife = sunshower  下太陽雨


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