👉 phub my phone 滑手機
phub [fʌb] 顧低頭滑手機,不顧身旁人事物 to ignore someone or not give your full attention to someone because you are looking at your mobile phone
I went out for a date with Johnny and he didn't stop phubbing me the whole time,it was so rude,I ended up leaving early
phubber 低頭族
👉 break out the bubbly (champagne) 開香檳
👉 use credit card 刷卡
Do you accept / take credit cards here?
A:Jeff just proposed to Cindy!Let’s break out the bubbly tonigh!
B:But I don’t have enough cash with me
A:That’s fine。We can use credit card here
👉 brew coffee 煮咖啡
brew 泡(咖啡、茶) If you brew tea or coffee, you make it by pouring hot water over tea leaves or ground coffee
make coffee 沖泡(即溶)咖啡
👉 pursue = go after 追求(女生) to try very hard to persuade someone to have a relationship with you
👉 hang up the phone / cut the call 掛電話
A:I heard that you are going after Tiffany recently。Did you grab opportunities to ask her out?
B:Don’t mention it!She hangs up my phone every time I call her
hang up 掛電話 If you hang up or you hang up the phone, you end a phone call. If you hang up on someone you are speaking to on the phone, you end the phone call suddenly and unexpectedly
➢ hang up on someone 掛某人電話
answer / pick up the phone 接電話
👉 clock in 打卡上班 When you clock in at work, you arrive there or put a special card into a device to show what time you arrived
A:It’s already 9 o’clock!I need to clock in immediately or the boss will kill me
B:Come on!You’re exaggerating!Our boss is a really nice person
✔ exaggerate 誇飾、誇大
clock out 打卡下班
👉 cut in line 插隊
Hey,don’t cut in line ! Wait in line,please!
➢ wait in line = stay in line 排隊
👉 slack 雷
Stop loafing me,okay?
slack(v) 鬆懈 If someone is slacking, they are not working as hard as they should
Everyone slacks at the end of the week
slacker 原本指懶惰的人,可以引申為「雷隊友」
👉 PDA = Public display of affection 放閃 PDA Couples operate in public areas, and they display affection such as holding hands, kissing etc. They do this to rub it in single people's faces that they don't have a boyfriend/girlfriend
Oh Jesus,no PDA in my house!It’s really annoying
👉 veg(v) 耍廢 to relax in a mindless way
Give me a break!I just want to veg now
👉 wardrobe malfunction[ˈwɔrˌdrob mælˈfʌŋkʃən] 走光
You just suffered from a wardrobe malfunction。You should be more cautious
✔ wardrobe 衣櫥
👉 standby / waiting list 候補名單
A:Can you put me on the standby list?
B:Sure,but there are eight people ahead of you on the list
➢ put on the standby list(waiting list) 候位
👉 pay in installments[ɪnˈstɔl·mənt] 分期付款
You can pay for your iPad in monthly installments
👉 form = develop a habit 養成習慣
It takes 21 days,that is three weeks,to form a habit。So stick to it
✔ stick to it 堅持