
⊙ fly is open / down = barn door is open  拉鍊沒拉
Your fly is downDo it upyou don’t want to go on a date like that,do you?

do it up 拉好拉鍊


⊙ inside out  裡外穿反
Annieyour T-shirt is inside outPut it on properly

put it on properly 穿好衣服



(inside out)


⊙ on backwards  前後穿反
My pants are on backwards
I know you’re in a hurry。But do you know your pants are on backwards

put it on properly 穿好衣服



(on backwards)


⊙ on the wrong foot / hand  穿錯手(或腳)
His shoe is on the wrong foot  put it on the right foot
Her mitten is on the wrong hand   put it on the right hand


⊙ untied  沒綁緊
My shoelace is untied 

tie it up = do it up 綁好、綁緊


undone  沒扣好
His button is undone

do it up 扣好、扣緊





undo(v)  解開扣子  If you undo something that is closed, tied, or held together, or if you undo the thing holding it, you loosen or remove the thing holding it
Can you undo my dress for me? I can’t reach the button behind me


 My sock keep falling down  襪子一直掉 

pull it up


⊙   My pants keep falling down  褲子一直掉

pull them up


⊙ skip / miss a button  漏扣釦子 

do it up again 重新扣好扣子


⊙ tuck  紮衣服  If you tuck something somewhere, you put it there so that it is safe, comfortable, or neat
Don’t forget to tuck your shirt in at your job interview
Your uniform is

tuck it in 紮好衣服




   Your tag is sticking out    衣服標籤翻出來了




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    daddy-poppy's 藥學跟動物世界

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