--- 進步的社會應該要包容、接納多元的族群,例如同性戀、跨性別者;另外傳統的刻板印象也要打破,娘娘腔、男人婆等字眼都不應該加諸在別人身上,小邊整理了相關議題的單字,希望在報章雜誌或是跟外國朋友談論到這領域的話題時,會受用! ---


guys   稱呼一群人(不論男女)  Americans sometimes address a group of people, whether they are male or female, as guys or you guys 
Hi guys
How are you doing?

ladies  女士們(正式且有禮貌的說法) You can say ladies when you are addressing a group of women in a formal and respectful way
Good afternoonladies and gentlemen

boyfriend、girlfriend 男朋友、女朋友

female friend  女性友人

male friend  男性友人

acquaintance 認識的人(就只是知道這個人,但沒有什麼交集)   An acquaintance is someone who you have met and know slightly, but not well
The proprietor was an old acquaintance of his

✔ proprietor 老闆、業主 a person who owns a particular type of business, especially a hotel, a shop, or a company that makes newspapers:

brother   摯友(稱呼自己的好朋友)、有血緣關係的親兄弟、黑人男子相互的稱呼

partner   生活上的伴侶(愛人)   Your partner is the person you are married to or are having a romantic or sexual relationship with
Wanting other friends doesn't mean you don't love your partner

partner   事業上的夥伴 The partners in a firm or business are the people who share the ownership of it




lesbian(n)(adj) 女同性戀、女同性戀的
She is a lesbian
She had a lesbian relationship before

gay (n)(adj)    通常用在男同性戀,但也可以用在女同性戀
They are gay

bisexual  雙性戀的

transgender(n)  跨性別者,指性別認同與出生時的性別指定相反的人

homosexual (n)(adj) 同性戀、同性戀的
Homosexual is still a sensitive topic in many countries

heterosexual (n)(adj) 異性戀、異性戀的
Heterosexual relationship is still the majority of most parts in the world

queers (n) 男同性戀者  People sometimes call homosexual men queers
We can hang out together
we can live togetherbut we can't be queers

queer (adj)   奇怪的   Something that is queer is strange
I could not help but think this is a very queer life

straight(adj)  異性戀的(直男直女的直,就是從英文衍生而來)  If you describe someone as straight, you mean that they are heterosexual rather than homosexual
He is way too cute to be straight

someone play for the other team  一種委婉的說法,指某人是同性戀者 An expression used to refer one who is gay, therefore he/she plays for the gay team


👭 專有名詞


sexual identity  先天性別
Sexual identity used to be unchangeablehowever sex change operation has reversed this natural rule

gender identity  性別認同(後天的性別,因為後天環境而自己認為自己所屬於的性別)
One’s gender identity has a strong relationship with one’s education background

homophobia  同性戀歧視、恐同  Homophobia is a strong and unreasonable dislike of homosexual people, especially homosexual men
Although the issue of the homosexual is now acceptable in many countries
homophobia is still common in every day life


👭 性向其它常用單字


closet  原意指衣櫃,引申為不可告人的人、事、物     Closet is used to describe a person who has beliefs, habits, or feelings which they keep secret, often because they are embarrassed about them
It's a place where you can take your closet boyfriend

come out of the closet   If someone comes out of the closet, they tell people that they are homosexual after having kept this a secret
Finally he decided to come out of the closet and announce to his family that he is gay

✔ announce to (正式告知、宣布

come out  出櫃    When a gay person comes out, they let people know that they are gay
I came out as a lesbian when I was still in my teens
came out yesterday because he was drunk
Howeverhe can finally face the truth

openly gay / lesbian   公開的同性戀
He is an openly gay so you can speak freely here


👭 男人刻板印象   stereotype


 You are such a guy  指男生完全符合男人的刻板印象(好色、不愛乾淨)


boys will be boys   這就是男生、男人  something that you say which means it is not surprising when boys or men behave in a noisy, rude, or unpleasant way
You can't blame David for breaking the window with his baseball
Boys will be boys

✔ blame for  責備

immature   不成熟的  Something or someone that is immature is not yet completely grown or fully developed
You are so immature

 Come onYou are a big boy  拜託成熟點


macho[ˈmɑː.tʃoʊ]    男子氣概的、大男人的  behaving in a way that is thought to be typical of a man, esp. by seeming strong and powerful but also seeming too determined to avoid showing weakness and sympathy
He’s too macho to admit that a woman can do his job as well as he can

pervert   變態   
He is a pervert

perverted [pɚˈvɝː.t̬ɪd]   變態的 


stalk   跟蹤   If you stalk a person or a wild animal, you follow them quietly in order to kill them, catch them, or observe them carefully
Even after their divorce he continued to stalk and threaten her

stalker   跟蹤狂

peeping Tom    偷窺狂   If you refer to someone as a Peeping Tom, you mean that they secretly watch other people, especially when those people are taking their clothes off
The police caught a Peeping Tom outside the woman's house last night

male chauvinist [ʃoʊ.vɪˈnɪs.tɪk]  沙文主義、沙豬主義的   If you describe an attitude or remark as male chauvinist, you are critical of it because you think it is based on the belief that men are naturally superior to women
The male chauvinist attitude of some people in the company could get you down

male chauvinist [ˈʃoʊ.və.nɪst] pig   沙豬主義者
I don't know how she can live with him ; he's such a male chauvinist pig



sissy   Some people, especially men, describe a boy as a sissy when they disapprove of him because he does not like rough, physical activities or is afraid to do things which might be dangerous
The other kids laughed at him and called him a sissy because he didn't like sports
If a boy brings anything pink in Taiwan
he is possibly called a sissy

effeminate  [əˈfem.ə.nət] 有女性特質的  If you describe a man or boy as effeminate, you think he behaves, looks, or sounds like a woman or girl
He spoke in an effeminate voice

✔ effeminate voice 像女生的聲音

Nancy boy   an effeminate man
Your brother is sure a Nancy-boy
His house is just beautifuland he keeps a wonderful yardHis dogs are cute too

unmanly (adj) 不像男生的 If you describe a boy's or man's behavior as unmanly, you are critical of the fact that they are behaving in a way that you think is inappropriate for a man
My father told me that it's unmanly to cry

camp (adj)  gay樣的 If you describe someone's behavior, performance, or style of dress as camp, you mean that it is exaggerated and amusing, often in a way that is thought to be typical of some male homosexuals
He's so camp
isn’t he?


👭   女人刻板印象


rob the cradle  老牛吃嫩草
That woman is robbing the cradle

old maid = spinster   處女   a woman who is not married or has not had a sexual relationship and is not now young

die a virgin 處女(口語用法)
I think you are going to die a virgin


neurotic  神經質的  If you say that someone is neurotic, you mean that they are always frightened or worried about things that you consider unimportant
He wants to divorce her because she is so neurotic

disgrace (n)  恥辱   If you say that someone is in disgrace, you are emphasizing that other people disapprove of them and do not respect them because of something that they have done
Is it a disgrace for a woman having too many boyfriends?
You are a
disgrace to a woman

➢  be a disgrace to sb. / sth.

bitch  婊子  
I've never seen her in the bitch mode
Today is my first time

✔ in the bitch mode

whore = slut  蕩婦 If you call a woman a whore, you disapprove of her because you consider her sexual behavior to be immoral or unacceptable

hooker 妓女

high-maintenance 指需要耗時間、耗心力去維持關係的 If you describe something or someone as high-maintenance, you mean that they require a lot of attention, time, money, or effort
I can't stand her because she is a high-maintenance woman

shrew [ʃru]  潑婦 A woman regarded as an ill-tempered
The shrew stands at the door and keeps shouting abuse

shrewd (adj)   精明能幹的
She's a shrewd businesswoman


ballbreaker (n)   頤指氣使、支配慾高的女人 
She's a ballbreaker

tomboy   男人婆   If you say that a girl is a tomboy, you mean that she likes playing rough or noisy games, or doing things that were traditionally considered to be things that boys enjoy
Many girls prefer basketball to dolls
Howeverwe should not call them Tomboy but play basketball with them!


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