--- 喜歡煮菜和料理的你,絕對不能錯過烹飪單字大全補給 ---
🔪 特殊用法
what’s cooking = what’s up = what’s going on 怎麼了
What’s cooking? Do you guys want to hang out tonight?
🔪 What’s difference between 【cook】 and 【chef】 ?
chef(n) 主廚(有相關證照) a person probably has a diploma and is usually the boss of a kitchen in a restaurant
cook (n)(v) 負責煮菜的人,不一定有證照 a person who is just starting to cook or somebody who just makes food at home。Anybody can be a cook。cook could be a verb, to prepare dishes
🔪 烹飪單字
recipe(n) 食譜 A recipe is a list of ingredients and a set of instructions that tell you how to cook something
Although this recipe looks long,it is actually very quick to prepare
culinary(adj)[ˈkʌl.ə.ner.i] 烹飪的 culinary means concerned with cooking
My culinary skills are limited to boiling water ➡ I am not very good at cooking
✔ culinary skills 烹飪技巧
🔪 cooking style
⊙ saute [soʊˈteɪ] 炒
Add the carrots and cabbage and saute them for 3 minutes
⊙ pan-fry 低溫慢煎
Before you pan-fry fish,you should add oil into the pan first
✔ pan 平底鍋
⊙ stir-fry 快炒 If you stir-fry vegetables, meat, or fish, you cook small pieces of them quickly by stirring them in a small quantity of very hot oil. This method is often used in Chinese cookery
stir-fried rice 炒飯
stir-fried noodle 炒麵
⊙ fry = deep fry 炸
My favorite food in the United States is deep-fried chicken
✔ deep-fried chicken 炸雞
⊙ stew = simmer 燉 When you simmer food or when it simmers, you cook it by keeping it at boiling point or just below boiling point
Turn the heat down so the sauce simmers gently
She prepared beef stew for dinner
✔ beef stew 燉牛肉
⊙ boil 滾
Can you boil an egg for me
boiled eggs 水煮蛋
(boiled eggs)
⊙ poach 煮 If you poach food such as fish, you cook it gently in boiling water, milk, or other liquid
We had poached egg for breakfast every day
poached eggs 水波蛋
(poached egg)
⊙ broil、roast、grill 烤 ➡ 熱從上面來叫「broil」、熱從四面八方來叫「roast」、「grill」 放在條狀的烤架上烤
Fish should be broiled for at least for 10 minutes
Before you roast the turkey in the oven,baste it in oil
My mom taught me how to grill chicken breast
⊙ bake 烘焙
The best cookies I’ve ever eaten are the ones that my mom baked for me
⊙ toast 烤(麵包、吐司) When you toast something such as bread, you cook it at a high temperature so that it becomes brown and crisp
How do you like your bread toasted?
⊙ nuke = microwave(v) 微波 To microwave food or drink means to cook or heat it in a microwave oven
⊙ peel 剝皮(蔬果的皮) When you peel fruit or vegetables, you remove their skins
I hate peeling potatoes because it takes so much time
⊙ chop 切塊 If you chop something, you cut it into pieces with strong downward movements of a knife or an axe
Chop the butter into small pieces
⊙ mince 切碎 If you mince food such as meat, you put it into a machine which cuts it into very small pieces
The beef is minced,mixed with spices,and formed into meatballs
minced meat = ground meat 絞肉
⊙ dice(v) 切丁 If you dice food, you cut it into small cubes
Peel,stone and dice the mango
⊙ slice(v) 切片 If you slice bread, meat, fruit, or other food, you cut it into thin pieces
Helen sliced the cake
Would you like another slice of cake?
✔ slice of cake 一片蛋糕
⊙ stone(v) 去核 If you stone a fruit, you remove its stone
⊙ stir 攪拌
Stir all the ingredients until it’s completely blended
⊙ whisk 打(蛋) If you whisk something such as eggs or cream, you stir it very fast, often with an electric device, so that it becomes full of small bubbles
Whisk egg whites until they’re just foamy
✔ foamy 起泡的
⊙ flip 翻面
I flipped the egg
➢ flip the egg / fish 翻蛋、翻魚
⊙ marinate ['mærɪneɪt] 浸泡滷汁 If you marinate meat or fish, or if it marinates, you keep it in a mixture of oil, vinegar, spices, and herbs before cooking it, so that it can develop a special flavor
Marinate the chicken in white wine for a couple of hours before frying