⚑ sale
on sale 上市 available to buy in a shop
The book will be on sale next month
on sale 物品折扣價出售中
The department store is on sale 指這家百貨公司折價出售了
如果要表達百貨公司在舉行打折活動的正確說法 ➢ have a sale、there is a sale
The department store is having a sale
There is a sale at the department store
clearance sale 清倉大拍賣、換季出清 A clearance sale is a sale in which the goods in a shop are sold at reduced prices, because the shopkeeper wants to get rid of them quickly or because the shop is closing down
This shirt was a bargain - only 10 dollars in a clearance sale
clearance item 清倉貨、零碼貨(只有幾種尺寸)
end of season sale 換季出清
⚑ 優惠、打折、殺價
discount (n) 打折、折扣 A discount is a reduction in the usual price of something
Full-time staff get a 20% discount
➢ Is this a discounted item? 這是特價商品嗎?
➢ Excuse me,Is there any discount on something? 請問(物品)現在有打折嗎?
Customer:Excuse me, Is there any discount on that jacket?
Clerk:Yes,you will get a 20 percent discount before 10/1
➢ How about a discount? 打個折吧?
➢ Give me a better discount? 再算便宜一點吧
--- 殺價的其它用法 ---
Can you cut me a deal? = Can you give me a little deal on this? 可以算便宜一點嗎?
Is this your final price? 不能再便宜了嗎?
--- 殺價的其它用法 ---
bargain 指CP值高的東西 Something that is a bargain is good value for money, usually because it has been sold at a lower price than normal
I highly recommend this restaurant。Its spaghetti is an absolute bargain
✔ highly recommend 非常推薦
bargain (v) 討價還價 to try to make someone agree to give you something that is better for you, such as a better price or better working conditions
Shop in small local markets and don't be afraid to bargain
bargain store 廉價商店
haggle(v) (價格)討價還價 If you haggle, you argue about something before reaching an agreement, especially about the cost of something that you are buying
It's traditional that you haggle about the price of things in the market
steal (n) 便宜的東西 a product that has a very low price, or a price that is much lower than the original cost
I picked up a new iron in the sale,it was a steal
coupon(n) 折價券 A coupon is a piece of printed paper which allows you to pay less money than usual for a product, or to get it free
Bring the coupon below to any Tecno store and pay just £10.99
➢ coupon can’t be redeemed for cash 折價券不得兌現
✔ redeem 贖回 If you redeem an object that belongs to you, you get it back from someone by repaying them money that you borrowed from them, after using the object as a guarantee
⚑ 打折方案
Buy one(two / three) get one free 買一送一
Buy one get one 50% off 第二件半價
Buy one get one 30% off 第二件七折
Buy two get another one 40% off 第三件六折
Spend $300 and get a $50 coupon 消費滿 300 元,送 50 元折價券
Get $10 coupon for every $500 purchase 單筆消費滿 500,送10元折價券
⚑ 集點送公仔
loyalty card 集點卡、會員卡 a plastic card that some shops give to regular customers. Each time the customer buys something from the shop, points are electronically stored on their card and can be exchanged later for goods or services
action figure 公仔 a toy figure with jointed, movable limbs, representing a character in a cartoon, movie, etc., or a real person or animal
If you have 20 points on your loyalty card,you can get an Iron Man action figure for free
⚑ 付款方式
დ How are you going to pay? 你要怎麼付款?
by-cash 付現
by-check 支票
with-credit card 信用卡
with-debit card 金融卡,購買時自動從金融卡扣款 A debit card is a bank card that you can use to pay for things。When you use it the money is taken out of your bank account immediately
⚑ receipt vs invoice
receipt 收據 (買方已經付錢的付款證明) A receipt is a piece of paper that you get from someone as proof that they have received money or goods from you ➡ 我們熟知的統一發票
invoice 貨單 (買方向賣方購買商品後,在買方還未付款的情況下,賣方將購買明細寄送給買方,以提醒買方需要付錢給賣方的付款通知) An invoice is a document that lists goods that have been supplied or services that have been done, and says how much money you owe for them
⚑ 詢問商品內容、政策、退款等…
What are the features on this product? 問外型、配件
What are the benefits to me? 問功能
Do you have this in another color / size? 這商品有其他顏色/尺寸嗎?
Can I have a look at that one,please? 我想看看那一個商品
warranty(n) 保固期 A warranty is a written promise by a company that, if you find a fault in something they have sold you within a certain time, they will repair it or replace it free of charge
The equipment is still under warranty
Does this product come with a warranty ? 這商品有保固嗎?
The warranty covers the car mechanically for a year,with unlimited mileage
➢ under warranty 保固期間
refund(v) 退款 A refund is a sum of money which is returned to you, for example because you have paid too much or because you have returned goods to a shop
Bring your receipt to the customer service,and they will refund you
return policy 退貨政策
⚑ 結帳
cashier[kæʃˈɪr] 收銀員
The cashier made a mistake and short-changed him
✔ short-changed 少找錢 to give someone back less money than they are owed when they are buying something from you
cart 手推車
cash register 收銀機
scanner 掃碼器
bar code 條碼
rain-check (n) 下次繼續使用的票根 a piece of paper that allows one to purchase an item on sale at a later date
I want to take the rain-check for the eggs
The store was all out of the shampoo they advertised,but I got a rain-check
➢ take a rain-check
cash only lane 只收現金的結帳道
express lane 快速結帳道(受理少於十件的商品) a place in a store where people who have few items can pay for them more quickly
Customers with ten items or less can use the express lane
➢ use express lane 使用快速結帳道
I would like to take this one 我要買這個
Where is the checkout counter? 結帳櫃檯在哪?
✔ checkout counter 收銀處
Is there an ATM nearby? 這附近有提款機嗎?
Please wrap this for me 幫我包裝起來
✔ wrap 包裝 When you wrap something, you fold paper or cloth tightly round it to cover it completely, for example in order to protect it or so that you can give it to someone as a present
⚑ 跟店員的對話
What would you recommend for a gift for my boyfriend?
I’m looking for a gift for my friend
Thank you but I’m just looking around 我只是隨便看看
⚑ 購物時,形容東西值不值得的片語
rip-off (n)(v) 敲竹槓 If someone rips you off, they cheat you by charging you too much money for something or by selling you something that is broken or damaged
Hey,don't try to rip me off。I know what this is worth
cost an arm and a leg 非常昂貴
That new car must have cost him an arm and a leg
over the odds 超過正常的價值 more than something is really worth
We had to pay over the odds to get good seats for the concert
daylight robbery 這東西是搶劫阿!(不合理的價錢) If someone charges you a great deal of money for something and you think this is unfair or unreasonable, you can refer to this as daylight robbery
Three pounds for two sandwiches ? It's daylight robbery
break the bank (常使用在否定句中,幽默的表示不會花太多錢) to cost too much
Come on!One evening at the theatre won't break the bank
⚑ 換錢、零錢
Where can I change money? 我要哪裡換錢?
Here’s your change 找你零錢
keep the change 不用找了
exact change,please 恕不找零(精準的零錢)
no refund,no exchange 貨物售出,概不退換(不退貨、不換貨)