--- 地球只有一個,環保觀念從小養成,當然相關英文也要認識 ---
♻ 動詞
recycle (v) 回收 If you recycle things that have already been used, such as bottles or sheets of paper, you process them so that they can be used again
If we learn to recycle materials,our natural resources will last longer
recycle (v) 再次利用 to use something again for a different purpose
Why not recycle Christmas cards as gift tags?
recycling(n) 資源回收
The supermarket has installed recycling bins for old newspapers、bottles and cans
✔ recycling bins 資源回收桶
sort (v) 分門別類、整理 to put a number of things in an order or to separate them into groups
Please sort your trash and put it in the right bins
♻ 資源回收項目
trash 一般垃圾
garbage 大型垃圾、廚房垃圾
papers 紙類
drink cartons and lunch boxes 紙容器
carton 硬紙盒、塑膠盒 a box made from thick cardboard, for storing goods, or a container made from cardboard or plastic, in which milk or fruit juice, etc. is sold
lunch boxes 便當盒
Tetra Pak 鋁箔包
plastics 塑膠類
tin and aluminum cans 鐵鋁罐
✔ tin 金屬罐、馬口鐵罐 A tin is a metal container with a lid in which things such as biscuits, cakes, or tobacco can be kept
✔ can 罐頭 A can is a metal container in which something such as food, drink, or paint is put. The container is usually sealed to keep the contents fresh
glass 廢玻璃
textiles and fabrics 舊衣類
✔ textile 紡織物
batteries 廢乾電池
light bulbs and fluorescent tubes / lamps 廢燈泡燈管類
✔ fluorescent [flʊˈrɛsənt] 螢光的
styrofoam [ˈstaɪ.rə.foʊm] 保麗龍
Excuse me,I am wondering if styrofoam can be recycled?
food waste 廚餘
compostable food waste 可堆肥食物 (米麵食類、肉類、水果類)
non-compostable food waste 不可堆肥食物 (果殼、植物、硬殼類)
✔ compostable 可堆肥的 Something that is compostable can be used as compost when it decays
♻ 環保器具
reusable bag 環保袋
A:Do you want to buy a plastic bag? It costs you one dollar
B:I am good,thank you。I have a reusable bag
waste papers 廢紙
Do you have any waste papers? I need it to wrap up the broken fluorescent tubes
thermos [ˈθɝː.məs] bottle 保溫瓶
I want a cup of black coffee。Please keep it in my thermos bottle
recycling bins 資源回收箱
Is there any recycling bins nearby? I need to recycle the used batteries
reusable chopsticks = green chopsticks = eco-chopsticks 環保筷
disposable chopsticks 免洗筷
✔ disposable 可拋棄式的
♻ 環保相關單字
environmental protection 環保
eco-friendly 環保的 Eco-friendly products or services are less harmful to the environment than other similar products or services.
green energy 綠能 energy that can be produced in a way that protects the natural environment, for example by using wind, water, or the sun
alternative energy 替代能源 energy from moving water, wind, the sun, and gas from animal waste
the greenhouse effect 溫室效應