👀 視覺
⊙ see – saw - seen
see(v) 看見、看到(指單純的看到) When you see something, you notice it using your eyes
I saw him at the mall yesterday
see(v) (去電影院)看電影、看電視 to watch a film, television programme, etc
see(v) 見面、碰面 If you see someone, you visit them or meet them
Mick wants to see you in his office right away
➢ see the doctor / dentist / counselor[ˈkɑʊn·sə·lər] 看醫師、看牙醫、看諮商師
see (v) 明白 If you see what someone means or see why something happened, you understand what they mean or understand why it happened
Oh,I see what you're saying
I see why you don’t want me to stay over。You don’t even like me
see(v) 交往 If you are seeing someone , you spend time with them socially, and are having a romantic or sexual relationship
Susan and James have been seeing each other for 3 months
➢ (be)seeing each other 正在交往中...
⊙ look – looked - looked
look 看 (集中注意的看,通常接著介系詞+at)
Look at that baby!she is so adorable
look + adj 看起來…
Does this dress make my legs look too stumpy?
✔ stumpy 粗短的
⊙ watch - watched - watched
watch 看(指專心的看,而且看了一段時間)
I’m going to watch the Yankees’ game tonight
➢ 看公共表演通常會用「see」,而不是watch:see performance、see plays、see concert
➢ see a movie:去電影院看電影、watch a movie(watch movie online):在家看電影
➢ watch TV:看電視、watch the game:看比賽
➢ 如果表示已經看過的電影或比賽要用「see」,不能用watch:Did you see that film on TV last night?
watch out 注意、提防
Penny really should start to watch out her health
⊙ stare & gaze
The verbs stare and gaze are both used to talk about looking at something for a long time。If you stare at something or someone, it is often because you think they are strange or shocking。If you gaze at something, it is often because you think it is marvellous or impressive
stare+at 震驚、感到奇怪的看 to look for a long time with the eyes wide open, especially when surprised, frightened, or thinking
Don't stare at people like that,it's rude
gaze+at 著迷的看 If you gaze at someone or something, you look steadily at them for a long time, for example because you find them attractive or interesting, or because you are thinking about something else
Anna gazed at Warren admiringly as he spoke
⊙ glare & glance
glare+at 怒瞠(生氣的看) If you glare at someone, you look at them with an angry expression on your face
She glared at everyone and stormed out of the room
glance+at 瞥看(快速喵一眼) if you glance at something or someone, you look at them very quickly and then look away again immediately
He glanced at his watch
He glanced at the letter and then tossed it into the bin
✔ toss 扔、擲、拋
⊙ peek & peep
peek 偷看(快速、秘密的看) If you peek at something or someone, you have a quick look at them, often secretly
Close your eyes。Don't peek,I've got a surprise for you
peep 偷看(通常透過小孔看) to secretly look at something for a short time, usually through a hole
I took a peep through the keyhole
➢ take a peep
👅 味覺
taste (v) 嘗起來
It tastes like chocolate
taste (n) 偏好 If you have a taste for something , you have a liking or preference for it
That gave me a taste for reading
➢ have a taste for sth. 偏好
taste(n) 品味 A person's taste is their choice in the things that they like or buy, for example their clothes, possessions, or music. If you say that someone has good taste , you mean that you approve of their choices。If you say that they have poor taste , you disapprove of their choices
His taste in clothes is extremely good
He has terrible(= poor)taste so you can probably imagine what his house looks like
➢ have good taste 有好的品味、have poor(=terrible) taste 有差的品味
➢ Many people,many tastes 各有所好
👋 觸覺
touch 碰、摸
Don't touch that vest which is fragile
touch (與否定詞連用)吃、喝、用、碰 You say that you never touch something or that you have not touched something for a long time to emphasize that you never use it, or you have not used it for a long time
He doesn't drink much and doesn't touch drugs
He is vegetarian,and he hasn't touched meat for six years
touch 感動
The sad story of the little boy touch her heart and made her cry
touch 聯繫、聯絡 If you get in touch with someone , you contact them by writing to them or telephoning them。If you are keep or stay in touch with them, you write, phone, or visit each other regularly
I will get in touch with solicitors about this
Keep in touch with us when you go back to your country
➢ get in touch with sb. 聯絡(事情)
➢ keep in touch with sb. 連繫、聯絡(感情)
✔ solicitor (英國、澳洲)律師
soft touch = easy touch 好借錢、好說話的人 If you say that someone is a soft touch or an easy touch, you mean that they can easily be persuaded to lend you money or to do things for you
Her Dad's an easy touch,he's always giving her money
👃 嗅覺
⊙ smell-smelled-smelled
smell(v) 聞到
As soon as we opened the front door we could smell the gas
smell(v) 聞起來難聞 If you say that something smells, you mean that it smells unpleasant
Do my feet smell ? Should I wash them?
smell(v) 嗅出、感覺到 to know about or be aware of a situation without having to be told about it
There’s something wrong going on here,I can smell it
⊙ scent
scent(v) 散發香味到... If something scents a place or thing, it makes it smell pleasant
Jasmine flowers scent the air
scent(n) 香味
She loved the scent in the house of wax polish
⊙ stink
stink(v) 發出惡臭,比「smell」更難聞 to stink means to smell extremely unpleasant
Get away from me,your breath stinks
👂 聽覺
⊙ hear-heard-heard
hear(v) 聽(自然而然聽到)
I can hear your voice。You don’t have to yell
hear(v) 得知、聽說 If you hear some news or information about something, you find out about it by someone telling you, or from the radio or television
Have you heard what's happened?
➢ I hear what you are saying 我了解你在說什麼
⊙ sound – sounded -sounded
sound (v) 表示事情「聽起來」如何,主詞是被聽到的人事物
Your plan sounds amazing。I’m in
sound (v) 聽起來像... When you talk about the way someone sounds, you are describing the impression you have of them when they speak
She sounded a little nervous
⊙ listen-listened-listened
listen(v) 聽(主動、仔細的聽,通常加介系詞+to)
Listen!There is someone out there
➢ listen to the radio 聽收音機
listen + to 聽信 If you listen to someone , you do what they advise you to do or you believe them
Anne,you need to listen to me this time
Jessica never listens to me。She just does things in her own way
➢ listen to+sb 聽某人的話
listen(up) 注意聽 You say listen when you want someone to pay attention to you because you are going to say something important
Listen,I finish at one
Now listen up! This is important
listen here 給我聽好了(有憤怒的語氣和意味) You say listen here when you are going to say something important to someone, especially when you are angry at what they have done or said
Listen here,young lady。Don't you call me that!