☔ rain
rain on parade 潑冷水 to do something that spoils someone's plans
I hate to rain on your parade,but your plans are all wrong
What? Are you trying to rain on my parade
✔ parade 遊行
take a rain check 改期、另擇期日 used to tell someone that you cannot accept an invitation now, but would like to do so at a later time
I can't make it to dinner tonight,but can I take a rain check ?
when it rains,it pours 禍不單行 when things go wrong, a lot of things go wrong at the same time
Tim:Not only did he lose his job,his car was also stolen。Both his laptop and iPhone were in it
Charlie:Oh no!When it rains,it pours
= It never rains but it pours 禍不單行
He was dumped by his ex lately,and failed to reach his sale target。It never rains but it pours
come rain or shine 無論如何、風雨無阻 whatever happens
Don't worry。I'll be there come rain or shine
save for a rainy day 未雨綢繆
My father always told me to save money for a rainy day。I'm so glad I took his advice
rain cats and dogs 下大雨(舊式用法)
The weather is awful outside。It is raining cats and dogs
(be)rained off 因雨取消 If a sport or outside activity is rained off, it cannot start or continue because it is raining
The National Day Fireworks were rained off this year
⚡ storm
storm out 氣匆匆的跑出去 to burst out of some place angrily
She stormed out of the room and didn’t say anything
take...by storm 攻佔、席捲 to conquer someone or something in a fury ; to succeed overwhelmingly with someone, some place, or a group
Hitler took Paris by storm 戰爭上的意味
The play took the audience by storm 專業領域上的意味
The Beatles took the pop music world by storm 專業領域上的意味
weather the storm 渡過難關 to experience something and survive it
You are a skillful leader,you will weather the storm
calm before the storm 暴風雨前的寧靜 a quiet period just before a period of great activity or excitement
For most teachers,the days just before the school year begins are the calm before the storm
kick up a storm = kick up s fuss 引起騷動 to show great anger about something,especially when this does not seem necessary
He kicked up a fuss about having to wait
I kicked up a storm that they told me to leave
storm in a teacup (n) 大驚小怪 a lot of unnecessary anger and worry about a matter that is not important
Their quarrel was just a storm in a teacup
⚡ thunder
steal thunder 搶風頭 to do what someone else was going to do before they do it, especially if this takes success or praise away from them
The businessman always steals his partner’s thunder by using his ideas
My partner stole my thunder when he told the professor that he did all the work on the presentation
❆ ice
break the ice 破冰
The purpose of the game is to break the ice,helping them feel more relaxed with each other
put someone(something)on ice 延遲、暫時擱置
We have to put him on ice until we all get ready
put ice on 冰敷
You got hurt and we’ll put some ice on your eyes
put some ice on it 冷靜下來 (有人花癡過頭或是調情過頭時,可以使用這個片語)
Why are you flirting with a guy who has a girlfriend? You better put some ice on it
☉ weather
under the weather 生病
I feel a little under the weather today
Mr. Jones has been under the weather for quite a few days
➢ be / feel under the weather
weather-beaten (adj) 歷經風霜的(皮膚)、風吹日曬的(建築物) Something such as skin or a building material that is weather-beaten has been changed or damaged by the weather
✔ weather-beaten face 歷經風霜的臉龐
✔ weather-beaten columns 風吹日曬的柱子
ϟ wind
get wind of 得到線索或風聲 to hear a piece of information that someone else was tryingto keep secret
The police get wind of the plans to rob the bank
I don't want my colleagues to get wind of the fact that I'm leaving
☃ snow
(be)snowed under with 忙碌 If you say that you are snowed under, you are emphasizing that you have a lot of work or other things to deal with
I'm sorry,I can't write that report for you right now,I'm snowed under with work today
Mum didn't have time to bake a cake,she was snowed under with cooking the dinner
☁ cloud
on cloud nine 很開心
He was on cloud nine after winning the competition
have head in the clouds 做白日夢 to be unaware of what is going on from fantasies or daydreams
If you think you can buy a house in Taipei,you have your head in the clouds
* every cloud has a silver lining 撥雲見日