
--- 東方人對於死的話題蠻禁忌的,但是西方國家常常用「dead」表達許多不同的意思,讓我們一起看下去吧! ---


☠ 三種詞性  dead (adj),die(v),death(n) 


die(v)     死亡  to stop living or existing, either suddenly or slowly
True love never dies
Twelve people died in the accident
died of(=from) hunger / cancer / a heart attack / injuries

➢ die in the accident  死於意外

➢ die of(= from) 死於...


--- die 用在不同的時態,會有不同的意思 ---

He died    他死了,表示已經發生了
He is dying   現在進行式,表示他快死了
He will die = He is going to die   他之後會死(在未來的某個時候)
He has died   現在完成式,表示他已經死了
He had died   過去完成式表示他那個時候已經死了


dead (adj)  死亡的(狀態)  A person, animal, or plant that is dead is no longer living
Her husband's been dead a year now
Her dad was
dead three years ago
  Her dad died three years ago (正確用法


death (n)     死亡
Death is never the solution to any problem


☠ dead(adj)


dead (地方、時期)死氣沉沉的   If you describe a place or a period of time as dead, you do not like it because there is very little activity taking place in it
The city centre is quite lively during the day,but it's totally dead at night


dead  空的、用光的   If glasses and bottles that were previously full are dead, they are now empty
This bottle's dead
But we've got another one

➢ bottle / glass / mug is dead  


dead    沒電的  A telephone or piece of electrical equipment that is dead is no longer functioning, for example because it no longer has any electrical power 

➢ The battery is dead 電池沒電

➢ The phone is dead 手機沒電


dead  疲累的 
I'm dead after that long trip


dead  麻木、失去感覺的  If a part of your body is dead, you cannot feel it
I've been sitting with my legs crossed for so long
my right leg has been dead

✔ sit with leg cross  盤腿而坐


dead    完全的、絕對的   dead is used to mean complete or absolute , especially before the words centre , silence , and stop
Lila's boat came to a dead stop
Mars was visible
dead in the centre of the telescope

➢ dead 常常放在「centre、stop、silence」前面,表示絕對的或是完全的意思可以記一下固定用法come to a dead stop突然停止)、dead in the centre正中間)、dead silence絕對安靜


dead    精準的、恰好  dead means precisely or exactly
Typhoon Soudelor is taking dead aim at Taiwan

He is a dead shot   神槍手

✔ take aim at 瞄準


☠ dead(adv)


dead   非常(強調用法)   dead is sometimes used to mean very
His poems sound dead boring


☠ other


over my dead body    表明堅決反對   If you reply Over my dead body when a plan or action has been suggested, you are emphasizing that you dislike it, and will do everything you can to prevent it
Let's invite her to dinner
Over my dead body!


dead president    美鈔

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