


👀 eye


pupil 瞳孔

eyelash 眼睫毛

eyelid  眼瞼

double eyelid   雙眼皮
I had double eyelid surgery last weekend

single eyelid  單眼皮


eyeful (n)  飽覽  If you get an eyeful of something , especially of something that you would not normally see, you are able to get a good look at it
She bent over and gave him an eyeful of her tattoos

➢ get an eyeful of sth


quick eye(n) 敏銳的觀察力
He has a quick eye for mistakes


see eye to eye (with someone)   同意  If two people see eye to eye, they agree with each other
I'm glad we see eye to eye about Todd


roll eyes  翻白眼  to move your eyes upwards as a way of showing that you are annoyed or bored after someone has done or said something
The girl rolled her eyes when I asked her to put out the cigarette
roll your eyes at me!

➢ roll eyes + at someone


make eyes(+ at someone)  拋媚眼   to look at someone with sexual interest
I saw her making eyes at her boyfriend in the classroom

➢ make eyes + at someone


cross-eyed(adj)   鬥雞眼  
Why do I always look cross-eyed in a photo?
He loves to
 cross his eyes to make his baby laugh


black eyes     (撞傷、打架造成的)黑眼圈  an area of skin around the eye that has gone dark because it has been hit
He had a fight at school and came home with a black eye

dark circles    (睡眠不足造成的)黑眼圈
I tried very hard to get rid of those dark circles


give the glad eye  色瞇瞇的看...   to look at someone in a way that makes it obvious that you are sexually attracted to them
Tim gave me the glad eye last night in the party


eyesore(n)   礙眼  an unpleasant or ugly sight in a public place
That old factory is a real eyesore


turn a blind eye  視若無睹(你已經知道是錯誤的東西)   to ignore something that you know is wrong
The government can not turn a blind eye to illegal activity

➢ turn a blind eye to


👃 nose


nostril [ˈnɑ:strəl]  鼻孔


nose for value
The computer you told me to buy is amazing and it was a great price。You really have a
nose for value


pay through the nose  付出代價 to pay too much for something
You'll have to pay through the nose to get that


follow nose  憑直覺     to make decisions by thinking of how you feel about someone or something instead of finding out information about them
You won't have to think,just follow your nose 

follow nose  往前走(通常用在指引路線)  if someone tells you to follow your nose when they are explaining how to go to a place, they are telling you to continue in the same direction
Turn left at the corner,then just follow your nose and you're sure to find it


👄 mouth


big mouth(n)  大嘴巴(無法守住秘密) If you say that someone is a big mouth or someone have a big mouth , you mean that they tell other people things that should have been kept secret
Don't tell him any secret,he's a big mouth

➢ someone is a big mouth、someone have a big mouth


by word of mouth    口耳相傳、口頭通知   by spoken rather than written ways
The story has been passed down by word of mouth
I have informed him by word of mouth    

✔ pass down by word of mouth 口頭流傳下來


👂 ear


earlobe   耳垂
If you have a big and thick earlobe,that means you have a lot of luck


pierce ears = get(have)ears pierced    穿耳洞

✔ pierce 刺破、刺穿 to go into or through something, making a hole in it using a sharp point


play by ear     見機行事    to decide how to deal with a situation as it develops, rather than acting according to plans made earlier 
He had no time to prepare for the party,play it by ear


💋 lip


lippy(adj)     出言不遜的    If someone is lippy, they speak to other people in a way that shows no respect 
She can get very lippy with her parents


👅 tongue  [tʌŋ]


on the tip of tongue   話在嘴邊 
I have his name on the tip of my tongue


👳 face


face the music 面對
Sooner or later I'm going to have to face the music
The boy was caught cheating in an examination and had to face the music


a slap in the face(n)  侮辱  an insult
It was a real slap in the face for him when she refused to go out to dinner with him


lose face  丟臉  
Many Chinese are afraid of losing face


facepalm    傻眼
Really ? Locked myself in a production room! Facepalm。What’s my next move?




🙇 head


scalp  [skælp]    頭皮


make headway    進展 to make progress 
We hope scientists are able to continue to make headway against cancer


👳 neck


Adam’s apple    喉結


pain in the neck(n)     惱人、煩人的事情(或人) a bothersome annoying person or situation
My job is a pain in the neck


stiff neck   落枕
Massage therapy is one of the best way to relieve a stiff neck

✔ relieve a stiff neck 改善落枕


👱 hair


sideburns    鬢角   If a man has sideburns, he has a strip of hair growing down the side of each cheek

moustache [ˈmʌsˌtæʃ]    鬍子、八字鬍    hair that a man grows above his upper lip

goatee [goʊˈti]   山羊鬍   


dandruff    頭皮屑    
I need to get rid of my dandruff and itchy scalp


let hair down   放鬆   to relax and enjoy yourself without worrying what other people will think
Let your hair down and enjoy yourself at the party


hair trigger(n)     指某人容易暴怒、或是指情況一觸即發
Ever since his wife cheated on him,Danny has been getting angry all the time。He has a real hair trigger


split hairs    鑽牛角尖
Don't split hairs。You know what I'm getting at


take a hair of the dog that bit you    醒酒液    an alcoholic drink taken as a cure the morning after an occasion when you have drunk too much alcohol


harebrained ['her'breɪnd](adj)     愚蠢的
It seemed like a foolish harebrained idea




✋ hand


palm [pɑm]     手心

palm prints   掌紋

upper arm   上臂 

forearm    下臂 

armpit    腋下   the hollow place under your arm where your arm joins your body
Please shave your armpits regularly

✔ sweaty / hairy armpits  多汗/多毛的腋下

✔  underarm odor    狐臭


☝ finger


crack knuckles   坳手指
Amy cracked her knuckles before she joined the fight between her sisters

✔ knuckle 指關節


cut / bite nails   剪指甲、咬指甲


snap fingers   彈指
Snapping fingers is something that most people either pick up quickly or don’t learn at all

✔ pick up 學會 to learn a new skill or language by practising it rather than being taught it


give the finger    比中指  to make an offensive sign at someone by raising your middle finger toward them
The drunk driver gave the finger to the passerby


keep finger cross     祝好運
Keep your finger cross that I'll break the record


feel the pulse [pʌls] 把脈
Press down with two fingers until you feel your pulse


👢 foot


thigh    大腿

calf  [kæf]    小腿  

sole[soʊl]    腳底

heel   腳跟

ankle    腳踝

sprain ankle    扭傷腳踝
I fell and sprained my ankle


 I can’t feel my legs = My leg is asleep = My leg is dead     腳麻

* My legs are sore    腿痠

* My legs are weak   腿軟


Athlete’s foot   香港腳
Athlete’s foot is a common fungal infection of the foot


break a leg   祝福好運
This is your big chance。Go out there and break a leg


Achilles heel (n) [əˈkɪliz hil]   弱點   Someone's Achilles heel is the weakest point in their character or nature, where it is easiest for other people to attack or criticize them 
Spelling is my Achilles'heel


put foot in mouth   說錯話 to say something that you regret
I didn’t mean to put my foot in my mouth at the meeting yesterday


👤 trunk = torso   軀幹   Your trunk is the central part of your body, from your neck to your waist / Your torso is the main part of your body, and does not include your head, arms, and legs


Waist size may be a predictor of life expectancy

✔ life expectancy 預期壽命

 waist size   腰圍

abdomen [ˈæbdəmən]   腹部

navel = belly-button = umbilicus   肚臍

cleavage   乳溝    A woman's cleavage is the space between her breasts, especially the top part which you see if she is wearing a dress with a low neck
She’s showing cleavage

✔ show cleavage 秀出乳溝

slouch [slaʊtʃ] (v)   駝背    If someone slouches, they sit or stand with their shoulders and head bent so they look lazy and unattractive.
Don’ slouch !It’s bad for your back!




a lot on mind   to have many things to worry about
My deputy has resigned
so I've got a lot on my mind just now

✔ deputy  代理人 


put heart into  用心   
If you do not put your heart into your education,you will not learn very much


take to heart    在意   to consider that some comment is significant to oneself
Don't take such small things to heart


 What’s on your mind?    你再想什麼?




pain in the butt(ass)   麻煩、擾人的事情(或人) something or someone that causes trouble
The customers love it
but the employees think the new system is a pain in the butt


get butt(ass)in gear    開始行動、動工 to get organized and get started
He had been sitting there for two hours until the boss showed up and told him to get his ass in gear

✔ gear 檔、傳動裝置


* Can you get your butt down here?    能不能麻煩你下來一下

* Can you get your butt back here?   能不能請你轉過頭來




mole [moʊl]       A mole is a natural dark spot or small dark lump on someone's skin
Tina has a mole on her left hand

birth mark   胎記
Is that a birth mark on your arm?

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