🌊 一般故障
break 損壞、故障 When a tool or piece of machinery breaks or when you break it, it is damaged and no longer works
The elevator was broken so we had to take the stairs = The elevator was out of order so we had to take the stairs
✔ take the stairs 走樓梯
out of order 故障
The telephone was out of order but is functional now
out of commission 不能使用 If something, such as a machine or a military ship, is out of commission it is broken or not available to be used
My watch is out of commission and needs a new one
🌊 食物
go bad = spoil(v)spoilt(adj) 食物壞掉 When food spoils or is spoiled, it is no longer good enough to eat
My boyfriend and I planned to cook at home but all the vegetable had gone bad so we ate out
I think the soup is spoilt。It tastes funny
rotten (食物)腐臭、腐敗 If food, wood, or another substance is rotten, it has decayed and can no longer be used
The front bay window is rotten
➢ a rotten apple spoils the barrel 一顆老鼠屎,壞了一鍋粥
turn sour 食物臭酸(牛奶、湯)
Lisa forgot to put the milk in the refrigerator so it turned sour
stale[steɪl] 走味、不新鮮 no longer new or fresh, usually as a result of being kept for too long
This bag of chips has gone stale。Let’s just throw it away
➢ go stale
moldy 發霉的、有霉味的
Even if you cut away the moldy parts of the bread,eating it can still make you sick
🌊 發霉、有霉味
moldy = mouldy(adj) 有霉味的
Please take these moldy clothes outside and give them an airing
The old hotel room was damp and smelled really moldy。I had to open all the windows to get some fresh air in
✔ damp 潮濕的(通常指濕冷)
musty = fusty 有霉味的 smelling unpleasantly old and slightly wet
There are some musty old books in my father’s study。Nobody has read them in ages
Your room smells a bit fusty。Do you mind opening the window?
➢ musty old books、a musty smell、a musty room
✔ in ages = in a long time 很長的時間、很久時間
🌊 衣物、生活用品
tear ➡ torn (衣服、紙張)撕毀 If you tear paper, cloth, or another material, or if it tears, you pull it into two pieces or you pull it so that a hole appears in it
Eric didn’t realize that his t-shirt was torn。It was so embarrassing!
➢ (paper、cloth)be torn
burn (燈泡)燒毀
The light bulb burned and suddenly the whole room was in complete darkness
➢ light bulb / fluorescent tube + burned
🌊 電子產品
crash(v) 電腦當機 If a computer or system crashes, it suddenly stops operating
My computer crashed in the middle of the video conference and my boss was not happy about it
crash 應用程式閃退
This schedule app keeps crashing。I cannot use it
skip 跳針
The record Tom bought in the store kept skipping,so he asked for a return
🌊 交通工具
break down = breakdown 車子拋錨、故障 If a machine or a vehicle breaks down, it stops working
Brandon’s car broke down when he was driving on the highway。All he could do was to wait for the tow truck
flat tire /(tire) blow out 爆胎
My tire blew out on my way to work, so I missed the presentation
➢ have a flat tire
(brake) fail 剎車失靈