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old (adj) 老朋友、(敵人)有宿怨、(對手)長期競爭 An old friend , enemy , or rival is someone who has been your friend, enemy, or rival for a long time
I called my old friend John
The French and English are old rivals
old colleague 認識很久的同事
regular customers = regulars 老主顧 The regulars at a place or in a team are the people who often go to the place or are often in the team
Regulars are the lifeblood of any restaurant business
repeat customer 老主顧(行銷用語)
✔ lifeblood 命脈
senior(adj) 資深的 The senior people in an organization or profession have the highest and most important jobs
➢ senior staff 老員工
seniors (n) 高年級生 Seniors are students in a high school, university, or college who are the oldest and who have reached an advanced level in their studies
⏰ years my senior 大⏰屆的學長姐
Mike was two years my senior at Yale
⏰ years my junior 小⏰屆的學弟妹
veteran(n)[ˈvɛtərən] 老鳥 a person who has had a lot of experience of a particular activity
He is a veteran of political campaigns
veteran 老兵 someone who has served in the armed forces of their country, especially during a war
old hand (n) 老手 If someone is an old hand at something , they are very skilled at it because they have been doing it for a long time
I need an old hand to help me
She's an old hand at dealing with the press
➢ old hand at something
experienced(adj) 經驗豐富的
He is an experienced actor
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rookie (n) 菜鳥(特別指軍階或是警階) rookie is someone who has just started doing a job and does not have much experience, especially someone who has just joined the army or police force
I don't want to have another rookie to train
novice(n)[ˈnɑvɪs] 初學者 A novice is someone who has been doing a job or other activity for only a short time and so is not experienced at it
I've never driven a car before,I'm a complete novice
green(adj) 經驗不足的 if you say that someone is green, you mean that they have had very little experience of life or a particular job
I’m green in this company