
--- 「bitch」應該是某種層面上使用率最高的單字,常常用來罵人,但是這個單字沒想像中這麼低俗,它還是有許多用法歐! ---


😈 bitch (n)


bitch   令人厭惡和不悅的女性(婊子),這就是我們最熟悉的罵人用法   
My sister is being a bitch today。I really don’t know what’s wrong with her

bitch   母狗 

bitch   (使用在男性) 指卑躬屈膝、為別人做牛做馬的男人
I do everything for my boss。I feel like I am his bitch


bitch    指惱人或是困難的麻煩事 
The final was a bitch

real bitch    麻煩的事、惱人的人    a very difficult or annoying thing or person
This case is exactly a real bitch


bitch work   屎缺、賽缺
It’s such a bitch work that every people resigned after a few weeks


boss bitch   女強人
Emma is a boss bitch,I admire her so much


😈 bitch (v)


bitch(v)    抱怨、發牢騷、批評   to complain and make unkind remarks about someone or something
Can’t you please stop bitching about your colleagues? I’m fed up!

Our teacher bitched us for not doing our homework again

➢ bitch about+someone/something 抱怨、發牢騷...

😈 bitch (adj)


bitchy  [ˈbɪtʃi]    苛薄的、惡毒的    If someone is being bitchy or is making bitchy remarks, they are saying unkind things about someone
I don’t want to talk to you anymore。You’re being really bitchy today


bitchin’    形容某件事情棒呆了、酷斃了  
Maggie’s birthday party was bitchin’ yesterday ! You should have been there


😈 bitch expression


bitch fit     情緒突然爆發   used to describe a female who is upset and has a sudden outburst of emotion and freaks out
Leave her alone!She has a bitch fit and yells at everyone nearby now

➢ someone have / throw a bitch fit 指(情緒)突然爆炸



payback’s a bitch  報復   If a ​person says payback's a ​bitch, they ​mean that something ​bad has ​happened as a ​result of something ​else
Why are you so happy?
My neighbor held a party last night and it was terribly noisy。So this morning I woke up early and play my music at highest volume。My neighbor seems to be woken up by it!
payback’s a bitch


son of a bitch   類似中文中「王八蛋」的意思


resting bitch face(n)   晚娘臉(天生臭臉的意思)  an unkind, annoyed, or serious expression that someone has on their face when relaxed, without intending to 
Donna just has a resting bitch face
 She's actually a really sweet girl

➢ have a resting bitch face 有晚娘臉的意思


What a bitch of a day   糟透的一天
I went to work late,left my wallet home,kids got in trouble at school!What a bitch of a day

Life’s a bitch    指生活不好過


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