climate [ˈklaɪmɪt] 氣候    
climate changes continue
we will suffer the consequences

✔ climate change  氣候變遷

weather    天氣  
In warm weather
you should wear clothing that is cool and comfortable


⊙ disaster - water


flood (n)  洪水   If there is a flood, a large amount of water covers an area which is usually dry, for example when a river flows over its banks or a pipe bursts
More than 70 people were killed in the flood

flood (v) 淹沒  If something such as a river or a burst pipe floods an area that is usually dry or if the area floods, it becomes covered with water 
The Chicago River flooded the city's underground tunnel system

flood  大批湧入、充斥
Large numbers of immigrants flooded into the area
His mail box is
 flooded with spam

➢ flood into


drought(n) 乾旱  a long period when there is little or no rain
Drought and famines have killed up to two million people here

✔ famine [ˈfæm.ɪn]   饑荒  Famine is a situation in which large numbers of people have little or no food, and many of them die


tsunami  [tsʊˈnɑmi]   海嘯  

monsoon  [ˌmɑ:nˈsu:n]    季風、梅雨   The monsoon is the season in Southern Asia when there is a lot of very heavy rain
In Ban-gladesh
the monsoons have started


⊙ disaster - wind


hurricane  颶風 ➡ 發生在大西洋西部、加勒比海、墨西哥灣、北太平洋東部
Hurricane Andrew has passed over the southern tip of Florida

typhoon  颱風 ➡ 發生在北太平洋西部、南海
typhoon is approaching Hong Kong now

cyclone  [ˈsaɪkloʊn]  旋風 ➡ 發生在印度洋
An violent cyclone hit the town last night

the eye of the storm    颱風眼

call off school and work    停止上班上課
The government announced to call off school and work

land and sea warnings   陸上與海上颱風警報
Land and sea warnings are in effect for the entire country

tornado  龍捲風 
Tornado hits southern coast of Mexico


⊙ disaster - crust/ground


921 is one of the most devastating
 earthquakes in Taiwan

massive earthquake   大地震

magnitude (n)  震度、亮度、強度  Magnitude is used in stating the size or extent of something such as a star, earthquake, or explosion
The San Francisco earthquake of 1906 had a magnitude of 8.3


mudslide  土石流  A mudslide is a large amount of mud sliding down a mountain, usually causing damage or destruction 
Several people escaped the mudslide by running to higher ground

volcanic eruption 火山爆發

volcano ash    火山灰

lava   岩漿

dormant volcano   休眠火山 

✔ dormant  休眠的、沉睡的 Something that is dormant is not active, growing, or being used at the present time but is capable of becoming active later on


⊙ disaster - snow


blizzard [ˈblɪzərd] 暴風雪 A blizzard is a very bad snowstorm with strong winds
You'll have to stay here until the blizzard was gone
Because of the
many schools were forced to close for a few days

squall (n) 突起的強風     A squall is a sudden strong wind which often causes a brief, violent rain storm or snow storm
The boat was hit by a squall

avalanche [ˈævəlæntʃ] 雪崩  An avalanche is a large mass of snow that falls down the side of a mountain
They were killed by an avalanche in the Swiss Alps


⊙ disaster - temperature


global warming    全球暖化

heat wave   熱浪 a period of days during which the weather is much hotter than usual
A tropic heat wave is expected to hit the city

cold front  冷鋒 
cold front is moving in from the north


⊙ disaster - other


hailstorm  冰暴  A hailstorm is a storm during which it hails

sandstorm   沙塵暴 

forest fire   森林大火

wildfire  野火    A wildfire is a fire that starts, usually by itself, in a wild area such as a forest, and spreads rapidly, causing great damage

➢ spread like wildfire (疾病、消息迅速傳開   If disease or news spreads like wildfire, it quickly affects or becomes known by more and more people
The story spread like wildfire


⊙ 災情造成的死亡人數


 death toll + disaster + reach + number 
The death toll in Tianjin explosions reaches 112

✔ death toll [toʊl]   死亡人數  the death toll of an accident, disaster, or war is the number of people who die in it

 disaster + kill + number       簡單明瞭的用法
Monsoon Flooding Kills Dozens In Myanmar


take its toll  造成傷害  to cause harm or suffering
The thunder storm took its tolls on human lives



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