

* Are you good at singing?   你唱歌拿手嗎?

* AWho’s your favorite singer?  問喜歡的歌手
  BI’m a big fan of Maroon 5an American pop band

 AWhat kind of music do you like? 問喜歡音樂的類型?
  BI’m really into Jazz




 You sing first = After you    你先唱吧

 How about a song ?   唱首歌吧

* What are you going to sing ?  你想唱什麼歌?

* It's my turn   該我唱了(輪到你的各種情況都適用這句話

* I don't have the nerve(guts)to sing in front of people   我不敢在大家面前唱歌

* I've never heard of that song   我從來沒聽說過那首歌

* I can't keep up with the new song = I can't learn the new songs fast enough   表示對新歌不熟




composer   作曲人

lyricist  [ˈlɪrɪsɪst]  作詞人

singer - songwriter  創作型歌手   A singer-songwriter is someone who writes and performs their own songs, especially popular songs

singing group = vocal group   歌唱團體

boy(girl) band 男子(女子)樂團

boy(girl) group 男子(女子)團體

diva 天后 a very successful and famous female singer

record label   唱片公司   a company that records and sells music
She's signed a three-album deal with a new record label


genre of music


classical music   古典樂

pop (music)   流行樂

country music   鄉村音樂

folk music   民謠、民歌

ballad  [ˈbæləd]  流行抒情歌曲    A ballad is a slow, romantic, popular song

Jazz   爵士樂

blues   藍調

R&B = Rhythm & Blues   節奏藍調 

soul music   靈魂樂

soft music   輕音樂

rock & roll   搖滾樂

Bossa Nova  巴薩諾瓦

rap (music)   饒舌樂

hip-hop (music)  嘻哈音樂

reggae  [ˈrɛɡe] 雷鬼    Reggae is a kind of West Indian popular music with a very strong beat

heavy metal   重金屬

electronic dance music   電子舞曲

oldie = old school song  老歌  You can refer to something such as an old song or film as an oldie, especially when you think it is still good
Radio Air only plays Top 40 stuff and oldies




groove   律動   In popular music, a groove is a rhythm

pitch   音準

raiselower the pitch   升、降 key

tempo  節奏(通常指速度上)

rhythm [ˈrɪðəm] 節奏(通常指節奏模式)

beat   拍子

arrangement  編曲 If someone makes an arrangement of a piece of music, they change it so that it is suitable for particular voices or instruments, or for a particular performance

album   專輯 

original sound track  原聲帶

verse     主歌

chorus   [ˈkɔ:rəs]    副歌 A chorus is a part of a song which is repeated after each verse
Everyone joined in the chorus




karaoke  [ˌkæriˈoʊki]  卡拉ok  Karaoke is a form of entertainment in which a machine plays the tunes of songs, and people take it in turns to sing the words
Let's go to karaoke

request a song   點歌

tone-deaf (adj)  五音不全的  Someone who is tone-deaf is not able to recognize different notes or sing tunes accurately
Do you like to go to the karaoke?
At least I won’t have to fight over microphones in KTV

off key  走音   If you sing or play music off-key, you produce notes that are slightly higher or lower than they should be
He loves to sing but he sings off key all the time

out of tune  樂器走調
The violins were out of tunebut I enjoyed the singing

lip-synch  [lɪp sɪŋk]  對嘴     Performers who lip-synch songs pretend to be singing them when in fact they are just moving their lips
She lip-synched the songs for the movie






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