child /children
childhood 小孩時期 A person's childhood is the period of their life when they are a child
infant[ˈɪn.fənt] 嬰幼兒 An infant is a baby or very young child
toddler [ˈtɑdlə(r)] 學步的幼童 A toddler is a young child who has only just learned to walk or who still walks unsteadily with small, quick steps
A toddler requires close supervision and firm control at all times
terrible two 小孩子在兩歲左右的叛逆期
pre-teen A pre-teen is a child aged between nine and thirteen
teenager A teenager is someone who is between thirteen and nineteen years old
As a teenager,Clare was always getting on the wrong side of her mother
adolescent [ædə'lesnt] 青少年的(adj)、青少年(n) Adolescent is used to describe young people who are no longer children but who have not yet become adults. It also refers to their behavior
A little adolescent rebellion is believed to be healthy commonly
crawl(v) 爬行 When you crawl, you move forward on your hands and knees
The injured soldier crawled to safety
safety 安全的地方
temper tantrum 脾氣爆發
If she doesn't get her own way,she throw a temper tantrums
wet bed 尿床
When did he start to wet his bed?
behave (v) 守規矩 If you behave or behave yourself, you act in the way that people think is correct and proper
You have to behave
discipline 處罰、管教 If someone is disciplined for something that they have done wrong, they are punished for it
I discipline my child with time out
spank(v) 打屁股 If someone spanks a child, they punish them by hitting them on the butt several times with their hand
When I used to do that when I was a kid,my mom would spank me
ground (v)(adj) 禁足 When parents ground a child, they forbid them to go out and enjoy themselves for a period of time, as a punishment
My parents grounded me for a week
* You are grounded