⊙ red
red (生氣、害羞、尷尬)而臉紅 If you say that someone's face is red, you mean that it is redder than its normal color, because they are embarrassed, angry or out of breath
She was red with shame / anger
in the red 盈虧 a company or organization that is in the red has lost money in a particular period
paint the town red to go out and celebrate
To celebrate Amy’s birthday,we’re going to paint the town red
catch red-handed to catch a person in the act of doing something wrong
He was caught red-handed taking money from the till
see red to be angry
When she hung up the phone I saw red。I’ve never been so angry in my life
⊙ Pink
in the pink 身心狀況良好 in very good health、 in very good condition
A glass of red wine keeps you in the pink
pink slip 解雇通知書 official notice that you have been fired from your job
Emma received the pink slip last week so she had no choice but to look for a new job
⊙ Green
green thumb 園藝技巧精湛 An extraordinary ability to make plants grow well
Julien has a green thumb,he has planted lots of beautiful flowers in his yard
green (adj) 缺乏經驗的 If you say that someone is green, you mean that they have had very little experience of life or a particular job
I’m green in this company
greenhorn (n) 涉世未深的人、無經驗易受騙的人
Don't take advantage of the greenhorn
green with envy 忌妒
Bill was green with envy that I won first place
give the green light to give permission for someone to do something
We'll never give the green light to gambling
* Do you see any green in my eye? 我有這麼好騙嗎?
⊙ Blue
once in a blue moon very seldom
You get a chance like this only once in a blue moon
He only goes to the club once in the blue moon
blue blood 富貴人家、貴族血統 the blood [heredity] of a noble family; aristocratic ancestry
This is a district where blue bloods love to gather
blue(adj) 憂鬱的 If you are feeling blue, you are feeling sad or depressed, often when there is no particular reason
There's no earthly reason for me to feel so blue
⊙ white、black
white lie 善意的謊言 a lie that is told in order to be polite or to stop someone from being upset by the truth
The doctor told him a white lie
white elephant 昂貴無用的東西 something that has cost a lot of money but has no useful purpose
The car in the garage is a white elephant。It costs a lot for maintenance,so no one dares to drive it on the streets
white-collar (adj) 白領的 White-collar workers work in offices rather than doing physical work such as making things in factories or building things
black and white 白紙黑字 You say that something is in black and white when it has been written or printed, and not just said
He insisted on putting the agreement down in black and white
black out 暈厥 If you black out, you lose consciousness for a short time
He drank too much last night at the bar and ultimately blacked out
black sheep 害群之馬 If you describe someone as the black sheep of their family or of a group that they are a member of, you mean that they are considered bad or worthless by other people in that family or group
She was the black sheep of class。While everyone was trying hard to concentrate on the lecture,she was taking a nap and snoring loudly
in the black 盈餘 a company or organization that is in the black has made a profit
⊙ yellow
yellow 膽怯的 coward
I always suspected he was yellow
yellow-bellied (adj) 懦夫的、膽小的
Ryan is yellow-bellied and never tries to defend his opinions
⊙ other color
with flying colors easily and excellently
John passed his geometry test with flying colors
golden opportunity an excellent opportunity that is not likely to be repeated
Come on! It’s a golden opportunity for us to win the prize
silver screen 螢幕 People sometimes refer to the films that are shown in cinemas as the silver screen
grey (gray) area 模糊地帶 a situation that is not clear or where the rules are not known
There is a gray /grey area in this law。Everyone interprets it in different ways
⊙ 特別顏色說法
olive 橄欖綠
lime [ laɪm ] 萊姆綠
teal 藍綠色
azure [ˈæʒɚ] 蔚藍色 Azure is used to describe things that are bright blue
indigo 靛藍色
plum 紫紅色 Something that is plum is a dark reddish-purple color
lavender 薰衣草紫 lavender is used to describe things that are pale bluish-purple in color