🌿 place and people


barber (n)  理髮師(指特定剪男生的)   A barber is a man whose job is cutting men's hair 

barber shop = barber’s    男性理髮店

hairdresser (n)  理髮師、美髮師  A hairdresser is a person who cuts, colors , and arranges people's hair

beauty salon = beauty parlor  美髮沙龍


🌿 去「做」頭髮的說法   gethave


I’m getting a haircut

I would like to get(= have) a(= my hair)+ cut / wash / ….


🌿 頭髮相關服務


⊙ 洗

wash  洗髮
I’d like to get a haircut but not a wash

hair care session  護髮
Joyce wants to book a hair care session


⊙ 剪

haircut  剪髮

thin out    打薄
I’d like to thin out my hair a little bit

layer(v)  剪層次 to cut hair so that some top parts of the hair are shorter than the hair underneath, to give it a particular style or shape
Can you layer it a little at the front

trim(v)(n)  修剪  to make something tidier or more level by cutting a small amount off it
My friend trims my hair every eight weeks
I need a 
Please trim off about 1 inch

➢ trim off 修剪掉

buzz cut = crew cut    剃平頭   a hairstyle for men and boys in which the hair is cut very short
He’s going to join the army
 so he got a buzz cut

✔ join the army 當兵、從軍 


⊙ 染

dye(v)  染髮   
I have a lot of grey hairsso I want to dye it brown

➢ dye hair + color

highlights (n) 挑染  a narrow strip of hair on a person's head that has been made a lighter colour than the surrounding hair
I’d like to get some red highlights

My hair is blondbut I want red hairI need to color it  

bleach(v)  漂白   If you bleach something, you use a chemical to make it white or pale in color


⊙ 燙

perm / curl(v)   燙捲   When a hair stylist perms someone's hair, they curl it and treat it with chemicals so that it stays curly for several months
My hair is straight
I want my hair to be curly for the next three months。I should get my hair permed
I want to get a perm to curl my hair

perm / straighten(v)  燙直
My sister has naturally curly hairso she gets a perm to straighten it once a year

➢  get a perm to straighten / curl  hair 


⊙ other

hair extension 接髮


🌿 hair style


straight hair   直髮

curly hair   小捲髮

wavy hair   大波浪捲髮

braid   辮子
She wore her hair in a long braid

✔ wear  留髮、蓄鬍   If you wear your hair or beard in a particular way, you have it cut or styled in that way

ponytail   馬尾   


1.jpg (pigtail)


bun    包包頭、圓髮髻   If a woman has her hair in a bun, she has fastened it tightly on top of her head or at the back of her head in the shape of a ball

2.png (bun)


flattop    平頭  a short hairstyle, usually for a man, in which the hair is cut so that the top of the head seems flat

dreads    雷鬼頭

3.jpg (dreads)


parts   (頭髮)分縫    The part in someone's hair is the line running from the front to the back of their head where their hair lies in different directions / If you part your hair in the middle or at one side , you make it lie in two different directions so that there is a straight line running from the front of your head to the back
Please part my hair to the right(left) / in the middle
I want to part my hair to the center instead of the side

side parting   旁分

central parting   中分

bangs [bæŋz    瀏海  an area of hair hanging over the forehead (= part of the face above the eyes) that is cut shorter than the rest of the hair
My bangs were cut short
but the rest of my hair was long

ends  髮尾

split ends    分岔
Please only cut the dead split ends


🌿 hair problem


dandruff (n)   頭皮屑   
Every winter he has a problem with dandruff in his hair
Can you wash my hair with that 
dandruff control shampoo

split ends  分岔  If you have split ends, some of your hairs are split at the ends because they are dry or damaged
Your hair seems quite dry and I see some split end


🌿 other service


manicure [ˈmænɪkjʊr]  修指甲    If you manicure your hands or nails, you care for them by softening your skin and cutting and polishing your nails

➢ have a manicure

pedicure  [ˈpedɪkjʊr]  修趾甲  If you have a pedicure, you have your toenails cut and the skin on your feet softened
I have a manicure and a pedicure every week

➢ have a pedicure

do hair   綁頭髮
AWhat do you girls usually do in the morning? Is there a routine?
Absolutely! We choose our outfit of the dayput on some makeup and do our hair





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