
--- 人的一生中有1/3的時間都用來睡覺,所以「sleep」的相關用法當然不能不知道囉!---


💤 想睡覺


sleepy (adj)    想睡覺的   If you are sleepy, you are very tired and are almost asleep

drowsy (adj)[ˈdraʊ.zi]   昏昏欲睡   If you feel drowsy, you feel sleepy and cannot think clearly
The room is so warm it's making me feel drowsy

➢ feel drowsy 想睡覺


I can barely keep my eyes open   忍不住睡意(眼睛都打不開了)


💤 go to bed


hit the sack   上床睡覺 ➡ 以前的人沒有床鋪,除非是有錢人,不然都是找一些麻布袋,把它們塞一塞就當床舖
I'm tiredLet's hit the sack

✔ sack 麻布袋


Time for bed  該上床睡覺囉 

go straight to sleep   (直接)上床睡覺

sleep tight = sweet dreams = good night  晚安,祝福有個好夢


💤 not sleeping


stay up  晚睡、熬夜  If you stay up, you remain out of bed at a time when most people have gone to bed or at a time when you are normally in bed yourself
Don't stay up too late
 stayed up late to study for the finals

➢ stay up late 


pull an all-nighter  開夜車


Why are you still up?   你為什麼還沒睡?

You should go to bed early = You should have an early night  你應該早點睡


toss and turn   輾轉難眠
Dad was tossing and turning all night because there was a mosquito in the room

✔ toss and turn all night 徹夜輾轉難眠


insomnia   失眠(醫學名詞) 
Alcohol is a bad treatment for insomnia


(not) sleep a wink  沒睡著過
The neighbors were having a party and we couldn't sleep a wink last night

✔ wink  眨眼


💤 睡很沉、睡很久、很快睡著


sleep around the clock   睡很久  to sleep for a very long time
I was so tired I could have slept around the clock

sleep like a log(= baby)  睡得很沉  
He is tiredhe sleeps like a log

(be)dead to the world  睡得很沉  
It's 10 o'clock now
but he's still dead to the world

(be)out like a light   入睡很快  to go to sleep very quickly or to become unconscious very quickly
I was out like a light after all day work

sleep through    不會被吵醒的意思 If you sleep through something, it does not wake you up
Some children can sleep through any kind of noise
I think he'll 
sleep through the night now


💤 常見片語    sleep


sleep in   賴床  to continue sleeping after the time that you usually wake up
I usually ​sleep in on Saturdays

sleep over  去別人家過夜   If someone, especially a child, sleeps over in a place such as a friend's home, they stay there for one night
Mom let me sleep over at Peggy’s on Saturday night

sleep around   跟很多人上床
Kevin loves to sleep around。He is never serious about relationship

sleep out  出去外面過夜
It's so hot tonight。Can't we sleep out in the garden?
Let’s go camping this weekend and
 sleep out under the stars

sleep on it    還沒馬上決定,需要時間思考  to wait before making an important decision 
It’s ok
You don’t have to give me an answer right awaySleep on it and get back to me by the end of the week

✔ get back to+sb 回覆


💤 打盹、小睡   take a nap  


catnap (n)   小睡   A catnap is a short sleep, usually one which you have during the day
If I could take a catnap
I think I'd feel much better

➢ take a catnap

doze off    打盹  If you doze off, you start to sleep, especially during the day
Some students often doze off in class
dozed off during the movie

catch up on sleep   補眠
After the examsI need to catch up on my sleep

unprotected sleep(n)   回籠覺   turning off your alarm clock and immediately going back to sleep; risking not waking up for a job, class, or other daily task
I got fired from my job because I had an hour of unprotected sleep


💤 睡眠者、狀態


light sleeper (n)   淺眠者
I told my girlfriend that I'm a light sleeperand that the slightest disturbance will wake me up

heavy /sound sleeper (n)  熟睡者  A person who sleeps deeply and is difficult to wake up
I'm such a heavy sleeper that the explosion didn't wake me up

a night owl   夜貓子

an early bird   早起的人

 The early bird gets the worm 早起的鳥兒有蟲吃


💤 起床     wake up  


wake up naturally   自然醒
In the morningI woke up naturally and strolled along the streets

get up = get out of bed   起床
I don't want to get out of bed this morning

get(= wake) up on the wrong side of the bed    起床氣
Dad got up on the wrong side of bedand he’s been grumpy all day

✔ grumpy 心情煩躁的

wake (v)  叫醒   
Wake me up in twenty minutes

awake (adj)   醒著的   Someone who is awake is not sleeping
He was awake at 3am 
Nightmares kept me
awake all night

oversleep (v)   睡過頭   If you oversleep, you sleep longer than you should have done
My boss was pissed off because I overslept


rise and shine = good morning



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