--- 「break」 除了有打破東西之外,放在不同的名詞前面會有不一樣的意思呦,另外當名詞時也有不同的意思,最後會加碼學習和「break」搭配的常見片語 ---
三態 break-broke-broken
☛ verb
break (v) 打破 When an object breaks or when you break it, it suddenly separates into two or more pieces, often because it has been hit or dropped
My son broke the vase this morning
break (v) 摔斷、骨折
She broke a leg in a skiing accident
➢ break+身體部位 有骨折、摔斷的意思
break(v) 違反 (規則、承諾)
We didn't know we were breaking the law
Don’t break your promise
✔ break a rule 打破規則
✔ break a promise 違反諾言
✔ break an agreement 違反協定
break(v) 打擊信心、毀壞前程 To break someone means to destroy their determination and courage, their success, or their career
The newspapers and television can make or break you
➢ break+people 打擊、毀掉這個人前途的意思
break(v) 換零錢
Can you break one hundred for me?
Could you break this into two twenties and six tens?
➢ 另一種說法: Could I get some change for this?
☛ noun
break(n) 休息
Take a couple of weeks off ,you need a break
break (n) 間斷、空檔 an interruption
Finally there was a break in the rain and we went out
break(n) 吃東西的休息時間 a short period of rest, when food or drink is sometimes eaten
a coffee / tea / lunch / dinner break
☛ 片語
break out
break out (戰爭、衝突、流行病)爆發 If something such as war , fighting , or disease breaks out , it begins suddenly
He was 29 when war broke out
break out 越獄 If a prisoner breaks out of a prison, they escape from it
They broke out of prison and fled the country
✔ break out of prison/cell 逃獄、越獄
break out 冒汗、出疹子、冒痘痘 If you break out in a rash or a sweat, a rash or sweat appears on your skin
She broke out in a rash after eating some nut
✔ break out in a rash 出疹子
✔ break out in a sweat 冒汗
break up
break up 分手
My girlfriend had broken up with me
➢ break up with + people
break up (因訊號干擾)聲音斷斷續續 If you say that someone is breaking up when you are speaking to them on a mobile phone, you mean that you can only hear parts of what they are saying because the signal is interrupted
The line's gone,I think you're breaking up
Hello? Your voice is breaking up。Can you call me again?
➢ someone is breaking up 「現在式」表示電話中的訊號或是聲音斷斷續續的
on a break 指(情侶)處於冷戰階段
Andy and I are on a break。We really need some time to rethink about our relationship
give a break 給某人機會或是喘氣的空間,可以從上下文或是對話中的語氣判定是什麼用法
Give me a break,will you? ➡ 機會
Mom,give me a break ➡ 喘口氣
break a leg 替你祈求好運的意思,因為以前的人們相信,如果祝人家好運,反而會為對方招來壞運氣,所以反其道而行希望他「摔斷腿」,反而會讓事情進展順利
All you have to do now is to relax yourself,You will be fine。Break a leg
break the ice 破冰、打破僵局
He is so sociable that he is always the one who breaks the ice at parties
break neck + to 認真去完成某件事情 to work very hard to accomplish something
You should always break your neck to study hard or you may regret someday
break the bank 花了大部分財產的意思,但不致於會破產 to use up all one's money
A:I really need an official dress to the wedding ceremony。I saw a gorgeous dress at ZARA yesterday,but it is too expensive
B:How much is it?
A:Way too much for me。I don’t want to break the bank
(not)break the bank 常用在否定句,幽默的表示不會花太多錢
It only costs $2。 That's not going to break the bank