--- 相信求學階段,很少英文課程會教導蔬菜的相關英文,長大後如果到國外的超級市場買材料,或是在餐廳點菜時,常常不知道如何表達想要說的蔬菜,沒關係,小編整理了蔬菜的英文還有相關用法,看完之後大家都變成蔬菜達人 ---


🥦 spring onion   青蔥

🥦 onion  [ˈʌnjən ]    洋蔥

🥦 garlic   大蒜

garlic sprout   蒜苗

garlic chives [tʃaɪvz]  韭菜 


🥦 ginger  薑

ginger ale   薑汁汽水  a fizzy drink containing ginger, sometimes mixed with an alcoholic drink


🥦 spinach  [ˈspɪnɪtʃ ]    菠菜
Do you know what will happen when Popeye eats spinach?


🥦 cabbage   甘藍菜

cabbage   植物人(無禮的用法)  a person who has lost all their powers of thought or speech, usually as the result of a serious accident or illness


🥦 celery  芹菜

🥦 lettuce [ˈlɛtəs] 萵苣

🥦 corn  玉米

🥦 coriander  [ˌkɔriˈændə(r)]  香菜

🥦 broccoli  [ˈbrɑkəli]  綠花椰菜

🥦 sweet potato    地瓜、番薯
When you take a look of the shape of Taiwan,you might find it similar to a sweet potato

➢ similar to


🥦 potato  馬鈴薯

couch potato  整天躺在沙發看電視的人  A couch potato is someone who spends most of their time watching television and does not exercise or have any interesting hobbies

hot potato(n)  燙手山芋  If you describe a problem or issue as a hot potato, you mean that it is very difficult and nobody wants to deal with it
The racial discrimination issue is a political hot potato

✔ racial discrimination 種族歧視

drop someone / something like a hot potato  to quickly stop being involved with someone or something because you stop liking that person or thing or you think they will cause problems for you
dropped the idea like a hot potato when the big boss said he didn't like it
He ​
dropped the ​plan like a ​hot ​potato when he ​realized how much it would ​cost him

small potato(n)    小人物   Something that is small potatoes is insignificant
I can do nothing。I am just a small potato here


🥦 yam  [jæm]   山藥

🥦 taro  ['tɑroʊ]   芋頭

🥦 lotus root  [ˈlotəs rut]   蓮藕  

🥦 radish   小蘿蔔

🥦 carrot   胡蘿蔔

carrot and stick   軟硬兼施   If an organization has a carrot and stick approach or policy, they offer people things in order to persuade them to do something and punish them if they refuse to do it
It’s your call to decide on the carrot or the stick


🥦 cucumber  [ˈkjuˌkʌmbɚ]    小黃瓜

as cool as a cucumber  神態自若 Someone is very self-possessed under pressure
He kept as cool as a cucumber as the newspaper reporters shouted questions at him at once


🥦 pumpkin   南瓜
People make Jack-o Lanterns out of pumpkins on Halloween in America

➢ make sth1 out of sth2 sth2製作成sth1


🥦 soybean   黃豆、大豆

soybean milk  豆漿


🥦 bean  豆

full of beans    精力充沛   to have a lot of energy and enthusiasm
You seem full of beans this morning
you must have a good night's rest

(not)know beans    什麼都不知道  to know nothing about someone or something
When it comes to flying
I don't know beans

spill the beans   洩漏秘密   to tell people secret information
Play hooky
I won't spill the beans

✔ play hooky   翹課


🥦 chili    辣椒

🥦 pepper   胡椒

green pepper 青椒

sweet pepper  甜椒


🥦 tomato   番茄

🥦 mushroom   蘑菇

mushroom(v)   迅速成長  to increase very quickly
The media training industry has mushroomed over the past decade

golden needle mushroom  金針菇


🥦 eggplant  茄子

🥦 asparagus   [əˈspærəɡəs]   蘆筍

🥦 bamboo sprout = bamboo shoot    竹筍

✔ sprout 

🥦 olive   橄欖

olive branch   求和   If you offer an olive branch to someone, you say or do something in order to show that you want to end a disagreement or quarrel



🥦 pickle   泡菜

in a pickle     處於困境    If you are in a pickle, you are in a difficult and awkward situation
Companies find themselves in a pickle when their markets change


🥦 salad   沙拉

salad days   年少時期  A time of youthful inexperience and carefree pleasures, usually looked back on with nostalgia 
Back in my salad days my friends and I used to go dancing every Saturday night


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