⛪ course
* What's your major? = Which department are you in? = What are you studying? 你主修什麼?你什麼系的?
compulsory [ kəmˈpʌlsəri] subject = required subject 必修科目
elective subject 選修科目 An elective is a subject which a student can choose to study as part of his or her course
⛪ library
borrow a book 借書
return a book 還書 ➡ I am returning this book
renew a book 續借 When you renew something such as a license or a contract, you extend the period of time for which it is valid
⛪ 考試種類
entrance 入學考試
midterm 期中考
final 期末考
quiz = pop quiz 課堂中的小測驗、小考
test 最廣義的考試
exam 比較正式、大型、國家舉辦的考試和證照資格檢定...
mock test = mocks 模擬考 an exam taken at school for practice before a real exam
You will have your mocks during the first two weeks of March
⛪ 考試相關用語
cheat sheet 小抄
The professor will let us bring a cheat sheet
➢ bring cheat sheet
tests 考試卷
turn in = hand in 繳交 if you hand in something such as homework or something that you have found, you give it to a teacher, police officer, or other person in authority
It’s time to hand in
retake(n)(v) 重考、重修 If you retake a course or an examination, you take it again because you failed it the first time
I'm doing my retakes next summer
➢ do retake
⛪ 考試範圍
* What will be on the test? = What is covered (on the test) ? 考試範圍是什麼?
A:Did you study for the math test?
B:Of course not! I didn’t even know what would be on the test
* Could you cover for me? (考試)你可以罩我嗎?
comprehensive test 沒有範圍的考試
The final will be a comprehensive test
cumulative test 上次考過的範圍這次也要考
old exam = previous exam = past exam 考古題
Do you know where to get the old exam?
⛪ 學習方式、態度
cram (v) 死記硬背 If you are cramming for an examination, you are learning as much as possible in a short time just before you take the examination
She was cramming for her Economics exam
➢ cram for
stay up late 熬夜
pull an all-nighter 開夜車(熬夜讀書) depriving yourself of sleep to do things that need to be done or you want to do, usually used for studying
I pulled an all-nighter to study for my English exam
learn by heart 熟記 to learn something so well that it can be written or recited without thinking
The text is too long for us to learn by heart
procrastinate (v)[proʊˈkræstɪneɪt] 拖延 If you procrastinate, you keep leaving things you should do until later, often because you do not want to do them
He did not want to study and procrastinate for days
flunk out 退學 to have to leave school or college because your work is not good enough
The math professor flunked me out
drop out 休學 If a student drops out, they stop going to classes before they have finished their course
Mary had to drop out of school when his mother became ill so that he couldn't help take care of her
➢ drop out of school
cheat 作弊
doodle[ˈdudl] 塗鴉 to draw pictures or patterns while thinking about something else or when you are bored
She'd doodled all over her textbooks
⛪ pupil 學生 The pupils of a school are the children who go to it
straight A's 優等生
teacher's pet 得意門生 the teacher's favorite student
Sally is the teacher's pet。She always gets special treatment
bookworm = nerd If you describe someone as a bookworm, you mean they are very fond of reading
My classmate is a real bookworm。He reads all the time
* He glues his face to the books 指愛讀書的人
⛪ 考試結果
A for effort 俗稱的墨「水分、安慰分數」 acknowledgement for having tried to do something, even if it was not successful
The cake didn't turn out like she had planned,but I give her an A for effort
⊙ 「考的好」的說法
nail = ace = kill + the test/exam
I’ll try to review for the test every day。 I hope I can nail the exam next time
pass with flying color 高分通過考試 to pass an examination with a very high score or to complete a difficult activity very successful
She took her university entrance exam in December and passed with flying color
⊙ 「考不好」的說法
did not do well / did poorly / did terribly
I’m afraid of bombing my history test
The math exam killed me
* It’s over / hopeless
* I’m done
* I screwed up 考壞了
* I just barely passed 勉強及格
(pass) by the skin of teeth 勉強及格 if you do something by the skin of your teeth , you only just succeed in doing it
⊙ 錄取、有資格
qualify (v) (通過考試) 取得資格、錄取 When someone qualifies, they pass the examinations that they need to be able to work in a particular profession
I qualified as a doctor from London University over 30 years ago
➢ qualify as sth.
acceptance letter 錄取通知書
be(got)+ admitted(= accepted) 偏向(申請學校)的錄取
He was admitted to Georgetown University
⛪ score
* What's your score? 你考多少分?
* Did you do well in the test ? Do you mind telling me your score ?
point 分數
(take) points off 扣分
Five points off from problem one and ten points off from problem two
我考了八十分,英文不會說 I got eighty points in that test;而會說 I 「got」 an eighty 或 I 「scored」 an eighty
* 英文在數字之後接上 something 表示左右的意思 You can use something to say that the description or amount that you are giving is not exact
➡ 考了82分可以說:I got an eighty something 或 I got eighty plus
* 不喜歡直接告訴分數可以說 I got something around the average、below / under the average
⛪ 出席狀況
play hooky = cut class = skip class 翹課 to fail to attend school or some other event
Play hooky。I won't spill the beans
All my friends cut class yesterday to see a movie
✔ spill the beans 洩露祕密
take attendance 點名
Brothers and sisters as soon as quickly,started to take attendance
roll call 點名 If you take a roll call, you check which of the members of a group are present by reading their names out
Roll call will be at 7 a.m
- present If someone is present at an event, they are there
- absent If someone or something is absent from a place or situation where they should be or where they usually are, they are not there
- late
- excused
⛪ stationery 文具
mechanical pencil 自動筆
eraser = rubber 橡皮擦
white out 立可白
I correct my mistake with white out
sticky note = post-it 便利貼
Did you leave a sticky note for Wendy?
⛪ structure of university 校園中會出現的人
undergrad (n) 大學生 An undergrad is a student at a university or college who is studying for his or her first degree
I never took a single psychology course as an undergrad
bachelor 學士
- freshmen 一年級學生
- sophomore[ˈsɑfəmɔ(r)] 二年級學生
- juniors 三年級學生
- seniors 四年級學生
master student 碩士生
Ph D student 博士生
teacher assistant = TA 助教
research assistant = RA 助理研究員
instructor [ɪnˈstrʌktɚ] = lecturer [ˈlɛktʃəɚ] 講師 An instructor is someone who teaches a skill such as driving or skiing。In American English, instructor can also be used to refer to a school teacher or to a university teacher of low rank
professor 教授 A professor in an American or Canadian university or college is a teacher of the highest rank
faculty (n) [ˈfækəlti] 全體教職員 A faculty is all the teaching staff of a university or college, or of one department
registrar [ˈrɛdʒɪˌstrɑr,] 教務主任
adviser [ædˈvaɪzɚ] 指導教授
They employed me as an advisor
dean(n) 系主任、學院院長 an official of high rank in a college or university who is responsible for the organization of a department or departments
⛪ teacher’s command 老師的指令
show of hands 舉手投票 a vote in which people raise one of their hands to show that they support a suggestion
By a show of hands,how many of you would prefer to have the test on Friday?
take seat 請坐
put up / raise hand 舉手
take out + something 拿出什麼東西…
turn to page to … 打開課本到第幾頁
work in pairs / groups(of) 分組
⛪ other
flipped classroom 翻轉教室(一種教學方法,讓學生先通過網路自學新的題目,然後在課堂上討論) a teaching method in which students first learn about a new subject at home, especially online, and then have discussions on it in class