😓 害怕
scared of If you are scared of someone or something, you are frightened of them
I'm scared of the dark。I'm a big chicken
➢ scare of sth/sb
scared to death(of) 害怕的要命 If you are scared to death , you are extremely scared
Honey,I'm scared to death
Sara is scared to death of snakes
afraid + of 、afraid + to If you are afraid of someone or afraid to do something , you are frightened because you think that something very unpleasant is going to happen to you
He is really afraid of the dark
I'm still afraid to sleep in my own bedroom
➢ afraid of+sth
➢ afraid to+do sth
afraid + that 恐怕 If you are afraid that something unpleasant will happen, you are worried that it may happen and you want to avoid it
I'm afraid(that)I can't come to your wedding
fear (v)(n) 害怕
I have a great fear of sharks
I fear I won't finish my assignment on time
➢ have a fear of
frightened + of = terrified + of = horrified + of
She was frightened of flying
John is compulsively neat and clean,he's terrified of germs
✔ compulsive 強迫的
creepy(adj) 毛骨悚然的
There were certain places that were really creepy at night
give the creeps If someone or something gives you the creeps, they make you feel very nervous or frightened
I always hated that statue。It gave me the creeps
creep someone out
Stop it!You really creep me out
freak out 嚇壞了、發瘋了 to become or cause someone to become extremely emotional
I think our music freaks people out sometimes
dread (v) 畏懼 to feel extremely worried or frightened about something that is going to happen or that might happen
He dread the exam,he's sure he's going to fail
I'm dreading having to meet his parents
➢ dread+動名詞/名詞
dread to think 不敢想像 If you say that you dread to think what might happen, you mean that you are anxious about it because it is likely to be very unpleasant
He was going so fast,I dread to think what would have happened if my brakes hadn't worked
break out in a cold sweat 嚇出一身冷汗
Because Mary witnessed the tragic accident,she not only broke out in a cold sweat at the spot but has been haunted by the terrible sight since then
✔ at the spot 當場
shake like a leaf 通常以現在進行式「shaking like a leaf」表示
While she gave a speech before a big crowd,she was shaking like a leaf
stage fright 舞台恐懼症、怯場
social phobia 社交恐懼症
acrophobia [ˌækrəˈfobiə] 懼高症
😰 緊張
* I've got a lot on my mind 指有很多心事
butterflies in stomach 感到興奮又緊張
Whenever I have to speak in public,I get butterflies in my stomach
have ants in pants 坐立不安
She's got ants in her pants because she's going to a party tonight
go blank 一片空白
My mind went blank when I heard the question
jitter (n) 緊張不安 a feeling of nervousness that you experience before something important happens
I think he has a few last-minute jitters,but he'll be ok
✔ last-minute jitters
fidget(v) 坐立不安 If you fidget, you keep moving your hands or feet slightly or changing your position slightly, for example because you are nervous, bored, or excited
It annoys me when you fidget
fidget with (因為緊張或無聊)玩弄 if you fidget with something, you keep moving it or touching it with your fingers with small movements, for example because you are nervous or bored
He fidgeted with his tie
😵 心情亂
* My mind is(totally)a mess 指心裡很亂
mess up 搞砸 if you mess something up or if you mess up , you cause something to fail or be spoiled
I'm totally messed up
at sixes and sevens 一團糟 in a confused, badly organized, or difficult situation
Mrs. Smith is at sixes and sevens since the death of her husband
at wit's end 不知所措(在智慧的盡頭) at the limits of one's mental resources
I'm at my wit's end with this problem。I cannot figure it out
I'm at my wits' end。I don't know how to help him
Melody is at her wit's end worrying about her lost puppy