Fire Element 火象星座
Aries ['ɛriz] 牡羊座
adventurous Someone who is adventurous is eager to visit new places and have new experiences
generous 慷慨的
quick-tempered 情緒起伏大的 Someone who is quick-tempered often gets angry without having a good reason
good / bad temper 好脾氣、壞脾氣
Leo [l'io] 獅子座
bossy 獨斷、專橫的 If you describe someone as bossy, you mean that they enjoy telling people what to do
She moved out because her mother-in-law is too bossy
Sagittarius [ˌsædʒɪˈtɛriəs] 射手座!
I’m a straightforward person,so let’s talk straight and get to the point
restless 焦躁不安的、不耐煩的 If you are restless, you are bored, impatient, or dissatisfied, and you want to do something else
The audience was becoming restless
Earth Element 土象星座
Taurus [ˈtɔrəs] 金牛座
warmhearted 貼心的
inflexible = stubborn 頑固的、不知變通的 If you say that someone is inflexible, you are criticizing them because they refuse to change their mind or alter their way of doing things
Virgo [v'ɚgo] 處女座
practical = down to earth
fussy 龜毛的 Someone who is fussy is very concerned with unimportant details and is difficult to please
Our teacher is very fussy about punctuation
Capricorn [ˈkæprɪˌkɔrn] 摩羯座
prudent = careful 謹慎的 Someone who is prudent is sensible and careful
Prudent people are not going to take a leap in the dark
self-disciplined 自律的 Someone who is self-disciplined has the ability to control themselves and to make themselves work hard or behave in a particular way without needing anyone else to tell them what to do
Air Element 風象星座
Gemini [ˈdʒɛməˌnaɪ] 雙子座
youthful 年輕的、富童心的
superficial = shallow 膚淺的 If you describe someone as superficial, you disapprove of them because they do not think deeply, and have little understanding of anything serious or important
You're too superficial to appreciate great literature like this
Libra ['librə] 天秤座
diplomatic 善外交的
She is very direct,I tend to be more diplomatic
self-indulgent 任性的
Aquarius [ə'kwεəriəs] 水瓶座
humanitarian [hjuˌmænɪˈteriən] 博愛的、人道主義的 If a person or society has humanitarian ideas or behavior, they try to avoid making people suffer or they help people who are suffering
intractable 不服從的、難以駕馭的 Intractable people are very difficult to control or influence
Water Element 水象星座
Cancer 巨蟹座
moody = emotional 情緒化的 If you describe someone as moody, you mean that their feelings and behavior change frequently, and in particular that they often become depressed or angry without any warning
David's mother was unstable and moody
Scorpio [ˈskɔ:rpioʊ] 天蠍座
determined [dɪˈtɜrmɪnd] 果決、斷然的 If you are determined to do something, you have made a firm decision to do it and will not let anything stop you
His enemies are determined to ruin him
obsessive 有強迫症的
Pisces ['paɪsiːz] 雙魚座
sensitive 體貼的、善解人意的 If you are sensitive to other people's needs, problems, or feelings, you show understanding and awareness of them
He was always so sensitive and caring
sensitive 敏感的 If you are sensitive about something, you are easily worried and offended when people talk about it
Young people are very sensitive about their appearance
sensitive (問題、議題)敏感的 A sensitive subject or issue needs to be dealt with carefully because it is likely to cause disagreement or make people angry or upset
Employment is a very sensitive issue
sensitive (文件、報告)需要妥善處理的 Sensitive documents or reports contain information that needs to be kept secret and dealt with carefully
selfless 無私的
idealistic 理想化的
A:What’s your sign? 你的星座是什麼?
B:I’m a(typical) Sagittarius
A:Do you believe in astrology 你們相信星座嗎?
B:Yes,I really believe in astrology。It holds water in many instances
C: I’m not superstitious。The horoscope sometimes turns out to be accurate
astrology [əˈstrɑlədʒi] 占星術 Astrology is the study of the movements of the planets, sun, moon, and stars in the belief that these movements can have an influence on people's lives
superstitious 迷信的
A Scorpio girl and a Pisces guy are a good match
A Pisces girl is not suitable for a Gemini guy