


kid (v)     開玩笑   If you are kidding, you are saying something that is not really true, as a joke
I'm just kidding

make fun of     取笑  
It is wrong to
make fun of a cripple

play a trick (on someone)
 played a trick on me by hiding my shoes

pull leg   to try to persuade someone to believe something that is not true, as a joke
I am panicked when he said the test was tomorrow
but then I realized he was just pulling my leg

crack up 突然大笑 to suddenly laugh a lot, or to make someone suddenly laugh a lot
I took one look at her and cracked up




hilarious(adj)   If something is hilarious, it is extremely funny and makes you laugh a lot
We can’t stop laughing because the show is so hilarious

goofy(adj)  愚蠢可笑的 If you describe someone or something as goofy, you think they are rather silly or ridiculous
a goofy person

witty(adj)   機智幽默的  Someone or something that is witty is amusing in a clever way
He is a very witty speaker

self-deprecating  [ˈsɛlfˈdɛprɪˌketɪŋ]   自嘲的   if you describe someone's behavior as self-deprecating, you mean that they criticize themselves or represent themselves as foolish in a light-hearted way
Sharon tells the story of that night with self-deprecating humor

prankster(n)  惡作劇、開玩笑的人  A prankster is someone who plays tricks and practical jokes on people




practical joke = prank    惡作劇、玩笑   A practical joke is a trick that is intended to embarrass someone or make them look ridiculous
I know it was my little brother's practical joke again

corny jokes    老掉牙的笑話

lame jokes    爛梗

punchline    笑話的精隨    the last part of a story or a joke that explains the meaning of what has happened previously or makes it funny

screwed up the punchline    破梗
You screwed up the punchline

wisecrack    俏皮話、風涼話    A wisecrack is a clever remark that is intended to be amusing, but is often rather unkind
He kept making wisecracks about her weight
Don't give me any more

spoof     諷刺文學、電視    a funny and silly piece of writing, music, theatre, etc. that copies the style of an original work
The show was a spoof of college life

dirty jokes = blue jokes    黃腔
Janet went red in the face when you told that dirty joke


sense of humor     幽默感


a dry sense of humor     表情嚴肅、冷靜說笑話的人     A person with a "dry" sense of humor often says funny things with a serious, calm expression. They don't smile, laugh, or make silly faces
Some people really like a dry sense of humor
other people don't understand it very well

offensive humor     冒犯別人的玩笑話
I found that joke offensive

a quirky sense of humor 古靈精怪的幽默感

quirky ['kwɜkɪ]   古怪、離奇的  something or someone that is quirky is rather odd or unpredictable in their appearance, character, or behavior


a warped sense of humor     反常的幽默感(常被死亡、傷痛、疾病、悲劇相關的笑話逗樂) To say someone has a warped sense of humor means they see a funny angle of any given situation that other people don't see

warped  [wɔrpt]    反常的

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