

⊙ delicious⊙ mouth-watering⊙ tasty⊙ yummy     好吃、可口的(最常見的用法)

⊙ delectable (adj)  美味、可口的   If you describe something, especially food or drink as delectable, you mean that it is very pleasant
My mom made us delectable fried eggs and bacon for breakfast

⊙ appetizing (adj)  有食慾的  Appetizing food or smells make you want to eat
The roast beef is very appetizing

lose appetite    失去胃口
I lost my appetite as soon as I noticed a bug floating in my juice

appetizer   開胃菜

⊙ savoury   芳香開胃的、又鹹又辣的    savoury ​food is ​salty or ​spicy and not ​sweet in ​taste
The savory smell of the roast chicken fills the room

⊙ finger-licking(+good)(adj)   食指大動的
The rib is finger-licking good ! Can I have some more?

⊙ luscious     多汁美味的  luscious food is juicy and very good to eat
The cream and caramel in the dessert were luscious

caramel  [ˈkærəmel]    焦糖

⊙ palatable [ˈpælətəbəl]    可口的    If you describe food or drink as palatable, you mean that it tastes pleasant
In my opinion
tuna is the most palatable of a good variety of fish

palate  [ˈpælɪt]    味覺、品嘗力   You can refer to someone's palate as a way of talking about their ability to judge good food or drink
The new flavor pleased his palate

⊙ zesty     風味十足的  full of flavour
a zesty tomato sauce

⊙ scrumptious [ˈskrʌmpʃəs]     (口)美味的     If you describe food as scrumptious, you mean that it tastes extremely good
I had some scrumptious snacks before the main course




buttery    奶油味重的

cheesy    起司味濃厚的

chocolaty    巧克力濃厚的

creamy     含奶油的、含乳脂的

doughy   [ˈdoi]     濃稠的    soft, thick, and sticky, like dough

fishy     有魚腥味的

fruity    果香的

juicy     多汁的

watery    多水分的

stringy    難咬的

stringy     牽絲的
Let’s get some pizza to eat。I love stringy pizza with a lot of cheese on it

chewy    有嚼勁的     If food is chewy, it needs to be chewed a lot before it becomes soft enough to swallow
The meat was too chewy

leathery    像皮革般難咬的

tender = delicate     嫩的    Meat or other food that is tender is easy to cut or chew
The steak is very tender 

tough    肉非常老的     Tough meat is difficult to cut and chew

burned = burnt     肉燒焦的    If you burn something that you are cooking or if it burns, you spoil it by using too much heat or cooking it for too long
I burnt the toast

overcooked     煮過久的  
The chicken was overcooked and dry

undercook    煮不夠久的  
People can become infected after eating raw or undercooked meat

astringent [əˈstrɪn.dʒənt]    澀澀的    If something has an astringent taste, it is sharp or bitter
I like black tea better than green tea
because green tea is more astringent than black

astringency(n) 澀澀口感
I don’t like the astringency of guavas


牛排熟度       How would you like your steak cooked ?  =  How would you like your steak served ?    問牛排需要幾分熟


raw 生的

rare   一分熟

medium-rare  三分熟

medium   五分熟

medium-well  七分熟
I will take my steak medium-well

well-done  全熟

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